Foreigners and stateless persons temporarily residing at least 2 years on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the grounds set forth in Articles 45.1.1-45.1.7 of the Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan (except for persons who have received a temporary residence permit due to the fact that they are a member of the family of a foreigner or stateless person who received a temporary residence permit on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the grounds set forth in Articles 45.1.8-45.1.11 of the Migration Code and cases specified in Article 55 of the Migration Code), are granted a permit for permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan in the following cases:
- In case their father, mother, spouse, child, sister, or brother is a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- In case they invest at least AZN 500,000 in the country’s economy, considering the cases provided for in Articles 52.1.3-52.1.5 of the Migration Code;
- In case they possess real estate, which is worth at least AZN 200,000 in the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- In case they invest at least AZN 200,000 on the basis of a fixed-term deposit agreement with banks operating in the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- In case owning government securities with a nominal value of at least AZN 200,000 or investment securities of legal entities, 51 percent or more of the share (interest) in which belong to the state;
- In case they are highly qualified specialists in the spheres of economy, industry, military, science, culture, sports, etc.;
- In case they are specialists envisaged in 64.0.8-1 of the Migration Code;
- In case they are family members of foreigners and stateless persons permanently residing on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- In case they hold positions of head or deputy head in the branch or representation of a foreign juridical person in the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- If they hold the position of the head of a legal entity established in the Republic of Azerbaijan, the paid authorized capital of which is not less than the amount approved by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the founder or at least one of the founders of which is a foreign legal entity or individual, or own at least 51 percent of the shares (interests) in that legal entity;
- In case they engage in entrepreneurship activity in the Republic of Azerbaijan, providing that their turnover meets the volume determined by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Permit for permanent residence on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan is issued to foreigners and stateless persons by the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
When foreigners and stateless persons are issued a permit for permanent residence on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, those persons are provided with permission card for permanent residence on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan by the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Permission card for permanent residence on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan is a document authorizing foreigners and stateless persons to reside on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan permanently and exit from the Republic of Azerbaijan and return back under visa-free regime within its validity period, and certifying identity and registration of those persons upon place of residence in the territory of the country.
- The period of temporary residence in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan is considered continuous if the person has not left the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan for a period of more than 90 days within 180 days.
- The State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan sends a list of individuals who have received a permit for permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan based on the ownership of funds amounting to at least AZN 200,000 in banks operating in the Republic of Azerbaijan under a term deposit agreement to the respective bank within 3 business days. If the term deposit amount of the individuals specified in that list falls below AZN 200,000, or the deposit agreement is terminated, the bank shall notify the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan accordingly within 3 business days.
- The State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan sends a list of individuals who have received a permit for permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan based on the ownership of government securities or investment securities of legal entities, 51 percent or more of the share (interest) in which are owned by the state, to the National Depository Center within 3 business days. If the total nominal value of the investment securities, including government securities, owned by individuals listed in that register falls below AZN 200,000 or such securities are alienated, the National Depository Center shall notify the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan accordingly within 3 business days.
- The cases specified in Articles 52.1.9-52.1.11 of the Migration Code are considered the ground for issuing a permit for permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan only if these individuals have resided in the Republic of Azerbaijan for the past two years under the relevant permit on the grounds set forth in Articles 45.1.6–45.1.7 of the Migration Code.
- The requirements regarding the size of the authorized capital and the volume of turnover specified in Article 52.1.10 of the Migration Code do not apply to non-commercial legal entities.
Foreigners and stateless persons should submit the following documents to obtain (extend) permit for permanent residence on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan:
- application form, sample of which approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- copy of the passport or other border crossing document;
- notarized copy of the birth certificate or a document equal to it (for persons without passport who are under the age of 18);
- reference certifying that the person is not carrier of a virus of any disease included in the list of dangerous infectious diseases approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- document certifying the existence of sufficient funds to meet minimum needs of foreigners and stateless persons, including their accompanying family members (except in cases where a close relative who is a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan or a person who obtained a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Azerbaijan assumes responsibility for their support during their stay in the country, as well as in cases where a highly skilled migrant applies for a permit)
- copy of the permission card for temporary or permanent residence on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- a notarized copy or a copy certified in an equivalent manner, of a document confirming one of the grounds set forth in Article 52.1 of the Migration Code;
- a notarized statement of consent of a family member or close relative, set forth in Articles 52.1.1 and 52.1.8 of the Migration Code, in connection with the issuance of a permanent residence permit to foreigners and stateless persons on the grounds specified in these articles;
- two photos sized 3.5 x 4.5 cm;
- a notarized consent of children aged 14 to 18;
- the document of a residential area, where the person will be registered on (extract on the state registration of the property right from state registry of real estate, warrant for accommodation, rent or tenancy agreement or other document set forth in the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan);
- application of the person providing a foreigner or stateless person with a residential area (except the cases when there is a residential area in possession of the foreigner or stateless person);
- copy of the identification document of the person providing residential area to a foreigner or stateless person (except the cases when there is a residential area in possession of the foreigner or stateless person);
- receipt certifying payment of the state fee;
Persons who have invested at least AZN 200,000 in banks operating in the Republic of Azerbaijan under a term deposit agreement, or own government securities with a nominal value of at least AZN 200,000, or investment securities of legal entities, 51 percent or more of the share (interest) in which are owned by the state, or, considering the cases set forth in Article 52.1.2 of the Migration Code, have invested at least AZN 500,000 in the economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, are not required to provide the document specified in Article 53.1.7 of the Migration Code.
When applying on the grounds set forth in Articles 52.1.10 and 52.1.11 of the Migration Code, along with the documents listed in Article 53.1 of the Migration Code, a document obtained from the tax authority regarding the turnover for the last year, based on the declaration submitted by the individual engaged in entrepreneurial activity or the legal entity related to the application, are provided.
Copies of documents set forth in Articles 53.1.2, 53.1.13 and 53.1.15 are submitted together with original documents and after collation the original documents are returned to the person by whom they have been submitted (taking into account the requirements of Article 53.4 of the Migration Code).
Foreigners and stateless persons should apply to the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan in case of existence of grounds for issuance of permanent residence permit to them, at least 3 months before the expiry date of their permits for temporary residence on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Foreigners and stateless persons should apply for permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan in person or through their legal representatives.
Permit for permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan is obtained for a minor under the age of 14 upon application of his/her parent or other legal representative, for a minor between age of 14-18 upon application of his/her parent or other legal representative with the consent of the minor.
Application form for issuance of permit for permanent residence on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other required documents can be submitted in the form of an electron application.
While reviewing the applications of foreigners and stateless persons for issuance of a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Azerbaijan, their knowledge of the rights and obligations, set forth by the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the national language shall be tested by a commission consisting of experts from the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. This condition shall not apply to children under the age of 18, foreigners or stateless persons who have reached the age of 65 or persons with an established disability due to 81-100 percent impairment of body functions (if the relevant supporting document is submitted).
Applications of foreigners and stateless persons for the issuance of a permanent residence permit on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan are proceeded within the period provided for by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On State Fee”, in accordance with the amount of state fee, paid in accordance with mentioned law, and relevant decision is made by the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Permit for permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan is issued for the period of 5 years. At least 3 months before the expiration of this period the permit issued for permanent residence can be extended for 5 years upon application of foreigner or stateless person. The number of extensions is not limited. In this case, the documents set forth in Article 53 of this Code are re-submitted.