The following documents are submitted by state authorities with the cover letter:
- questionnaire;
- 2 photos sized 3x4 cm (except children under the age five);
- Copy of passport or other identity document (in case this document is not available, relevant document which indicates such information);
- Copy of birth certificate (in case this document is not available, relevant document which indicates such information);
- Copy of identity documents of the minor’s parents;
- In case the person is a refugee resided in the Republic of Azerbaijan from January 1, 1988 till January 1, 1992, copy of the relevant certifying document about the case (in case this document is not available, relevant document which indicates such information);
- In case of adoption, copy of the document on adoption of the foreign or stateless child (in case this document is not available, relevant document which indicates such information);
- In case of existence of one of the following cases relevant application of consent of children between the ages of 14-18:
- If both of the husband-wife who adopted the foreign or stateless child are citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- If one of the husband-wife who adopted the foreign or stateless child is a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the other one is a stateless person;
- If citizenship of parents has changed and as a result both of them acquired citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- If one of the parents of the child is known, in case that parent acquired citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- If one of the parents of the child residing in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan is a person who acquired citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan, while the other is a stateless person.
- The term of imprisonment of the persons serving sentence in penitentiary facilities of the Republic of Azerbaijan till date of entry into force of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan” (October 07, 1998) is considered a period of registration upon place of residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan. In this case document indicating term of imprisonment issued by the Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan should be attached to the request.
- The term of military service of military personnel enrolled in military service in the Republic of Azerbaijan till the date of entry into force of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan” (October 07, 1998) is considered a period of registration upon place of residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan. In this case document indicating term of military service issued by local departments, divisions and units of the State Service on Mobilization and Military Service Enlistment of the Republic of Azerbaijan should be attached to the request.
- Registration upon place of residence of minors or persons under custody, who does not have such registration, is accepted as their legal representatives’ – accordingly parents, persons adopting the child, or custodians or guardians – registration upon place of residence.
- Registration upon place of residence of children who lost their parents or deprived from parent care is accepted as facilities, dormitories they live (for children who lost their parent or deprived from parent care), residence place of custodian (guardian) or person who adopts them.
The person himself/herself submits the following documents:
- application form;
- 2 photos sized 3x4 cm (except children under the age five);
- CV;
- Copy of passport or other identity document (in case this document is not available, relevant document which indicates such information);
- Copy of birth certificate (in case this document is not available, relevant document which indicates such information);
- Copy of identity documents of the minor’s parents;
- In case the person is a refugee resided in the Republic of Azerbaijan from January 1, 1988 till January 1, 1992, copy of the relevant document certifying the case (in case this document is not available, relevant document which indicates such information);
- In case of adoption, copy of the document on adoption of the foreign or stateless child (in case this document is not available, relevant document which indicates such information);
- In case of existence of one of the following cases relevant application of consent of children between the ages of 14-18:
- If both of the husband-wife who adopted the foreign or stateless child are citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- If one of the husband-wife who adopted the foreign or stateless child is a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the other one is a stateless person;
- If citizenship of parents has changed and as a result both of them acquired citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- If one of the parents of the child is known, in case that parent acquired citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- If one of the parents of the child residing in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan is a person who acquired citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan, while the other is a stateless person.
- The term of imprisonment of the persons serving sentence in penitentiary facilities of the Republic of Azerbaijan till date of entry into force of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan” (October 07, 1998) is considered a period of registration upon place of residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan. In this case document indicating term of imprisonment issued by the Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan should be attached to the request.
- The term of military service of military personnel enrolled in military service in the Republic of Azerbaijan till the date of entry into force of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan” (October 07, 1998) is considered a period of registration upon place of residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan. In this case document indicating term of military service issued by local departments, divisions and units of the State Service on Mobilization and Military Service Enlistment of the Republic of Azerbaijan should be attached to the request.
- Registration upon place of residence of minors or persons under custody, who does not have such registration, is accepted as their legal representatives’ – accordingly parents, persons adopting the child, or custodians or guardians – registration upon place of residence.
- Registration upon place of residence of children who lost their parents or deprived from parent care is accepted as facilities, dormitories they live (for children who lost their parent or deprived from parent care), residence place of custodian (guardian) or person who adopts them.
Sample of questionnaire and application form
While applying to the State Migration Service for issuance (extension) of temporary residence permit in the Republic of Azerbaijan foreigners and stateless persons (pupils) should submit a reference in the following context on their education at secondary school in addition to the other documents envisaged by the legislation (Article 46 of Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan).
Employer should submit the following documents in order to obtain a work permit:
- Application form, sample of which approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- Copy of passport or other border crossing document of a foreigner and stateless person;
- Notarized copy of a document confirming that a foreigner and stateless person has the qualification required for fulfilling the considered job;
- Reference justifying the necessity to employ the foreigner and stateless person in the considered job;
- In case of a juridical person – notarized copies of the charter of juridical person and certificates on state registration;
- In case of a physical person – notarized copies of identification document of the person and certificate of taxpayer’s registration issued to the physical person;
Reference certifying that a foreigner or stateless person is not a carrier of virus of a disease included in the list of dangerous infectious diseases (Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C) approved by relevant executive authority.
Employer should submit the following documents for extension of work permit:
- Application form, sample of which approved by relevant executive authority;
- Notarized copy of a document confirming that a foreigner and stateless person has the qualification required for fulfilling the considered job;
- Reference justifying the necessity to employ the foreigner and stateless person in the considered job;
- Reference certifying that foreigner or stateless person is not a carrier of virus of a disease included in the list of dangerous infectious diseases (Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C) approved by relevant executive authority.
Work permit is presented to the employer after submission of a document certifying payment of the state fee for such permit.
Sample of the application form:
Foreigners and stateless persons intending to temporarily stay in the Republic of Azerbaijan for a period of more than 15 days (for more than 30 days for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan) have to get registered upon place of stay.
For this purpose administration of the place of stay of a foreigner or stateless person (hotel, sanatorium, rest home, boarding house, camping, tourist base, hospital or any such public places) or owner of the apartment or other residential area (“receiving party”) within 15 days (within 30 days for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan) after arrival of a foreigner or a stateless person in the country must submit an application form on his/her registration upon place of stay and copy (including visa page and pages indicating last entry date) of his/her passport (other border crossing document) via official webpage ( of the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan, e-mail ( or in person to the Regional Migration Departments of the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the "ASAN service" centers.
Foreigners and stateless persons can apply themselves for registration upon place of stay in the aforementioned way, as well.
After reception of the application form, the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan immediately registers them upon place of stay by entering data of a foreigner or stateless person to the Unified Migration Information System and informs the applicant about it within 1 working day.
Foreigners and stateless persons are registered for the following periods:
- Persons arriving upon visa - for the period of stay indicated on visa;
- Persons arriving under visa-free regime – for 90 days.
No state fee is required for foreigners’ and stateless persons’ registration upon place of stay.
When foreigners and stateless persons leave the place of stay, receiving party or the person himself/herself should inform the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan about it and according to this information they are de-registered upon place of stay. When registration period expires, foreigners and stateless persons are considered as de-registered.
When a foreigner or stateless person changes place of stay, he/she have to get registered upon new place of stay in the aforementioned way.
When a foreigner or stateless person changes place of stay, he/she have to get registered upon new place of stay within 5 working days after arrival at the new place of stay in a way envisaged by Articles 21.2–21.5 of this Code. No registration upon new place of stay is required, if a foreigner or stateless person stays in another apartment (residential area) of the owner where he/she has already got registered.
The person applying to obtain refugee status should fill in a special application form indicating reasons for his/her request, gives information about his/her country, place of birth, marital status indicating information about himself, as well as family members (including persons under his/her protection and in custody), should submit travel document and identification document (foreign passport, travel card etc.) to the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Foreigners and stateless persons should submit the following documents for extending temporary staying period in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan:
- Application form sample of which approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- Copy of the passport or other border crossing document;
- Notarized copy of the birth certificate or other document equal to it (for persons under the age of 18, without passport);
- Document certifying existence of cases for extension of temporary staying period;
- Two photos sized 3.5 x 4.5 cm;
- Document of a residential area where the person shall be registered on (extract on the state registration of the property right from state registry of real estate, warrant for accommodation, rent or tenancy agreement or other document set forth in the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan);
- Application of the person providing the foreigner or stateless person with a residential area (except the cases when there is a residential area in possession of the foreigner or stateless person);
- Copy of the identity document of the person providing the foreigner or stateless person with a residential area (except the cases when there is a residential area in possession of the foreigner or stateless person);
- Receipt certifying payment of the state fee.
Note 1: Receipt certifying payment of the state fee is submitted when the decision on extension of temporary staying period in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan is presented to foreigners and stateless persons.
Note 2: Copy of the passport or other border crossing document, document of a residential area where the foreigner or stateless person shall be registered (extract on the state registration of the property right from state registry of real estate, warrant for accommodation, rent or tenancy agreement or other document set forth in the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan), as well as copy of the identity document of the person providing the foreigner or stateless person with a residential area (except the cases when there is a residential area in possession of the foreigner or stateless person) shall be submitted together with their originals. After authenticity check the original documents are returned to the person who submitted them.
Sample of the application form:
Foreigners and stateless persons should submit the following documents for obtaining (extending) permit for temporary residence in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan:
- application form sample of which approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- copy of the passport or other border crossing document (validity period of passport or other border crossing document should be more than 3 months of the expiry date of the temporary residence permit to be issued);
- notarized copy of the birth certificate or other document equal to it (for persons without passport who are under the age of 18);
- notarized or equally certified document confirming existence of cases justifying issuance of temporary residence permit;
- notarized consent application of the family member or close relative, as stipulated in Articles 45.1.1 and 45.1.5 of the Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, regarding the issuance of a temporary residence permit to foreigners and stateless persons based on the grounds specified in those articles;
- reference certifying that the person is not carrier of a virus of any disease (dangerous infectious diseases such as human immunodeficiency virus infection and hepatitis B and C) included in the list of dangerous infectious diseases approved by relevant executive authority;
- copy of the document authorizing to stay or temporarily reside in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- justified application by the authority, enterprise or organization inviting the foreigners and stateless persons who are highly qualified specialists in the spheres of economy, industry, military, science, culture, sports, etc., to the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- two photos sized 3.5 x 4.5 cm;
- the document of the residential area where the person will be registered on (extract on the state registration of the property right from state registry of real estate, warrant for accommodation, rent or tenancy agreement or other document set forth in the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan);
- application of the person providing the foreigner or stateless person with a residential area (except in cases where the residential area is in the possession of the foreigner or stateless person);
- copy of the identification document of the person providing the foreigner or stateless person with a residential area (except in cases where the residential area is in the possession of the foreigner or stateless person);
- receipt certifying payment of the state fee;
- a copy of the document confirming the authority of the representative or legal representative (in cases the application is made by a representative or legal representative);
Note: Receipt certifying payment of the state fee is submitted when the permission card for temporary residence in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan is presented to foreigners and stateless persons. In case of failing to pay state fee within 30 days starting from the last day of the term specified by Article 47.5 (Applications of foreigners and stateless persons for issuance of permit for temporary residence in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan are processed within the period provided by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On State Fee" in accordance with the amount of state fee paid under this Law, taking into account the feedback of the relevant executive authority) of this Code, the permit for temporary residence is cancelled by the relevant executive authority.
- Payment of the state fee is not required for the issuance of permit for temporary residence on the grounds envisaged by Articles 45.1.10-1 (In case person considered a victim of human trafficking) and 45.1.10-2 (In case person assists to criminal investigation bodies) of the Migration Code.
- Document authorizing to temporarily stay or reside in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan is not required for the person during the applications envisaged by Article 20.3 (In case of termination of person’s citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan, who holds citizenship of other state (states) along with citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan, that person should leave the country within 30 days from the date of receipt of the official information about it or should apply to the relevant executive authority for obtaining a permit for temporary residence in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in case of existence of relevant grounds according to Article 45 (Cases of issuance to foreigners and stateless persons of a permit for temporary residence in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan) of this Code. During the processing period of such an application the person’s temporary stay in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan is considered legal) of the Migration Code.
- Permit for temporary residence in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan is issued to foreigners and stateless persons who are considered as a victim of human trafficking or assisting criminal investigation bodies, upon the application of the criminal investigation body. In this case submission of documents specified in Articles 46.1.4 (A document confirming the existence of any case that serves as a basis for issuance of temporary residence permit, approved in the notarial or equivalent order), 46.1.6 (A copy of the document that entitles to stay or reside temporarily in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan), 46.1.9 (The document of a dwelling where a person will be registered (excerpt from the state register of real estate on the state registration of property right, warranty of title, a leasing (renting) contract or other document provided for in the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan)), 46.1.10 (An application of the person who provides foreigner or stateless person with a place of residence (except for cases when foreigner or stateless person is an owner of the place of residence)) and 46.1.11 (A copy of the identity document of the person who provides a foreigner or stateless person with a place of residence (except for cases when foreigner or stateless person is an owner of a place of residence)) of the Migration Code is not required. Registration upon place of residence of those persons is conducted upon the address of the criminal investigation body.
- Copy of the passport or other border crossing document, document of a residential area where the person shall be registered (extract on the state registration of the property right from state registry of real estate, warrant for accommodation, rent or tenancy agreement or other document set forth in the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan), as well as copy of the identity document of the person providing the foreigner or stateless person with a residential area (except the cases when there is a residential area in possession of the foreigner or stateless person) shall be submitted together with their originals. After authenticity check the original documents are returned to the person who submitted them.
The person who desires to restore his/her citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan applies with application form addressed to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The following documents are attached to the application form:
- Application form (filled in via computer) – printed in 2 copies;
- Application form (written via computer) addressed to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan – printed in 2 copies;
- CV (written via computer) - printed in 2 copies;
- 4 photos sized 3x4 cm;
- Receipt on payment of the state fee (110 manats);
- Copy of the identity document (notarized);
- Certificate of general health and reference on AIDS test;
- Reference on Hepatitis B and C;
- Reference from TB Dispensary;
- Reference from Dermatovenerologic Dispensary;
Note: Medical certificates are not required if the person applying for restoration of citizenship has not left the country.
If a person applying for the restoration of the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan applies together with his/her minor children, the following documents should be attached:
- Application of consent of the other parent (notarized);
- Copy of the other parent`s passport (notarized);
- Copy of the marriage certificate;
- Applications of consent of children aged 14-18 (notarized).
Note: The names of the applicant's minor children should be included in the application form and the application, as well as 4 photos (3x4 sized) should be submitted.
Sample of application form
The person willing to adopt citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan should apply to the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan with an application form addressed to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and sample of which approved by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
- Application form (filled in via computer) – printed in 2 copies;
- Application (written via computer) addressed to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan – printed in 2 copies;
- CV (written via computer) - printed in 2 copies;
- 4 photos sized 3x4 cm;
- Receipt on payment of the state fee (110 manats);
- Reference from the Ministry of Education certifying the knowledge of official language of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- Copy of passport or other border-crossing document (except persons without those documents who obtained refugee status, as well as persons whose statelessness and permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan determined by the court) – (attach a notarized translation);
- Document certifying the existence of legal income (one of the following documents: reference from workplace, reference on receiving pension, stipend or targeted state social assistance, reference from tax authority on incomes of physical person, reference on receiving alimony, reference on income of guardian, certificate of inheritance, etc.). If a person does not work, he/she can be sponsored by a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In this case:
- Sponsorship application of the sponsor (notarized);
- ID of the sponsor (notarized);
- Document confirming that the sponsor has a legal source of income;
- Copy of the court decision establishing the fact that the person does not have citizenship of any state, as well as permanently resides in the Republic of Azerbaijan in accordance with the fourth part of Article 14 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- For persons with high achievements in the field of science, technology, culture or sports provided in paragraph 1 of the fourth part of Article 14 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan - justified application of the state body inviting him/her to the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- Copies of ID cards of close relatives who are citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan (if available).
If a person applying for the acquisition of the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan applies together with his/her minor children, the following documents should be attached:
- Application of consent of the other parent (notarized);
- Copy of the other parent`s passport (notarized);
- Copy of the marriage certificate;
- Applications of consent of children aged 14-18 (notarized).
Note: The names of the applicant's minor children should be included in the application form and the application, as well as 4 photos (3x4 sized) should be submitted.
Sample of application form
A citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan who desires to revoke his/her citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan should apply with application form addressed to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The following documents are attached to the application form:
- Application form (filled in via computer) – printed in 2 copies;
- Application (indicating the reason for revocation of citizenship written via computer) addressed to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan – printed in 2 copies;
- CV (written via computer) - printed in 2 copies;
- 4 photos sized 3x4 cm;
- Receipt on payment of the state fee (110 manats);
- Copy of the identity document;
- Document from the Azerbaijan Credit Bureau on the absence of credit obligations;
- Document from the State Tax Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the absence of tax liability to the state;
- Document from the General Department of Bailiffs of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the absence of the payment of alimony and other executive documents;
- Document on absence of military service obligation (notarized copy of military card or certificate from the local branch of the State Service for Mobilization and Conscription where you are registered);
- Reference from the housing department of the place of residence confirming that there is no debt for housing and communal services;
- Reference from the relevant local branch of “Azersu” OJSC on the absence of debt for water use and sewage disposal;
- Reference of no debt for gas use;
- Reference of no debt for the use of electricity;
- Reference of no debt for phone calls.
Note: Certificates related to communications and utilities are not required from those who submit a document confirming the absence of real estate in their name.
If a person applying for the revocation of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan applies together with his/her minor children, the following documents should be attached:
- Application of consent of the other parent (notarized);
- Copy of the other parent`s passport (notarized);
- Copy of the marriage certificate;
- Applications of consent of children aged 14-18 (notarized);
- Copy of initial military registration certificate - applies to male children over 15 years of age (notarized).
Note: The names of the applicant's minor children should be included in the application form and the application, as well as 4 photos (3x4 sized) should be submitted.
Sample of application form
Foreigners and stateless persons should submit the following documents for obtaining (extending) permit for permanent residence in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan:
- Application form, sample of which approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- Copy of the passport or other border crossing document;
- Notarized copy of the birth certificate or a document equal to it (for persons without passport who are under the age of 18);
- Reference certifying that the person is not a carrier of a virus of any disease included in the list of dangerous infectious diseases approved by the relevant executive authority;
- Document certifying existence of necessary funds to meet minimal needs of foreigners and stateless persons and family members arriving with them (except the cases when citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan or a person obtained a permit for permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan who is a close relative of foreigner undertakes to support them during their stay in the country);
- Copy of the permission card for temporary or permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- Notarized copy of the document certifying that the grounds for issuance of a permit for temporary residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan are not removed;
- Two photos sized 3.5 x 4.5 cm;
- Notarized consent of minors between the ages of 14-18;
- Document of a residential area, where a person shall be registered on (extract on the state registration of the property right from state registry of real estate, warrant for accommodation, rent or tenancy agreement or other document set forth in the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan);
- Application of the person providing the foreigner or stateless person with a residential area (except the cases when there is a residential area in possession of the foreigner or stateless person);
- Copy of the identification document of the person providing the foreigner or stateless person with a residential area (except the cases when there is a residential area in possession of the foreigner or stateless person);
- Receipt certifying payment of the state fee.
Note: Receipt certifying payment of the state fee is submitted by foreigners and stateless persons when the permission card for permanent residence in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan is presented to them. In case of non-payment of state fee within 30 days from the last day of the term specified by Article 54.9 (Application of a person for issuance of a permit for permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan are processed within the period provided by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On State Fee" in accordance with the amount of state fee paid under this Law and relevant decision is made by the relevant executive authority) of this Code, permit for permanent residence is cancelled by the relevant executive authority.
- Persons investing at least 500,000 manats into the economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan are not required to submit the documents specified in Article 53.1.7 (Document certifying existence of necessary funds to meet minimal needs of foreigners and stateless persons and family members arriving with them (except the cases when citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan or a person obtained a permit for permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan who is a close relative of foreigner undertakes to support them during their stay in the country) of this Code.
- Copy of the passport or other border crossing document, document of a residential area where the foreigner or stateless person shall be registered (extract on the state registration of the property right from state registry of real estate, warrant for accommodation, rent or tenancy agreement or other document set forth in the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan), as well as copy of the identity document of the person providing the foreigner or stateless person with a residential area (except the cases when there is a residential area in possession of the foreigner or stateless person) shall be submitted together with their originals. After authenticity check the original documents are returned to the person who submitted them.
Sample of the application form: