State Migration Service announces a competition on the occasion of its 10th anniversary  


State Migration Service


a competition on the occasion of its 10th anniversary


The main purpose of the competition is to draw attention of the society to measures taken in the field of regulation of migration processes in the Republic of Azerbaijan and achieved results during the 10 years of activity of State Migration Service, as well as to direct to the solutions of migration problems. 

The competition is held on 3 nominations – film; painting; private journalist article.

The following rewards are instituted for the winners of competition:


For the best documental film


I place – I rank certificate and 2.000 (two thousand) manats money award;

II place – II rank certificate and 1.500 (one thousand five hundred) manats money award;

III place – III rank certificate and 1.000 (one thousand) manats money award.


1 incentive prize:

Honorary certificate and 800 (eight hundred) manats money award.


For the best painting


I place – I rank certificate and 1.000 (one thousand) manats money award;

II place – II rank certificate and 800 (eight hundred) manats money award;

III place – III rank certificate and 500 (five hundred) manats money award.


3 incentive prizes:

Honorary certificate (to each one) and 300 (three hundred) manats money award.


For the best article


I place – I rank certificate and 1.000 (one thousand) manats money award;

II place – II rank certificate and 700 (seven hundred) manats money award;

III place – III rank certificate and 500 (five hundred) manats money award.


3 incentive prizes::

Honorary certificate (to each one) and 300 (three hundred) manats money award.


Terms of competition:


-     All creative individuals regardless of their age can participate in the competition.

-     The information about the author will not be indicated on works presented to the competition. This information is indicated in the application (the form of application enclosed to rules) and put into envelop. A provisional name is noted both in the back of work and on the envelop.

-   Works regarding the nomination “For the best documentary film” with filled application appropriately should be presented to Public Relations Department of the State Migration Service by December 20, 2016, “For the best painting” and “For the best article” by January 15, 2017.

-       Regarding to documentary film, participants should present works to competition not smaller than 90x70 cm.

-       Regarding to documental film, participants should present work with duration not shorter than 30 minutes and not longer than 45 minutes. 

-       Regarding to private journalist scripts, writing should be presented in A4 format, printed in 3 copies (name of author should not be indicated) and electronically (in Arial font – 12, on CD).

-       All the presented works should draw the attention of the public to measures taken in the field of regulation of migration processes in the Republic of Azerbaijan and achieved results during the 10 years of activity of State Migration Service, as well as to the solutions of migration problems.

-       Presented works should not be printed or demonstrated anywhere before the competition.


You can apply to the following address for further information about the competition:


Address: 202 Binagadi highway, 3123 Block, Binagadi district, Baku city, AZ1114, administrative building of the State Migration Service.

Contact numbers: (+99412) 562-11-97


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