
Chief of the State Migration Service met with  Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Azerbaijan

Chief of the State Migration Service, II rank migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev hold a meeting with Erkan Ozoral, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Turkey to the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Chief of the Service spoke about the fraternal relations formed throughout the history between the nations and state of Turkey and Azerbaijan. He marked the policy pursued by the Presidents Ilham Aliyev and Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the direction of strengthening and developing relations as an example. F. Nabiyev recalled the meetings and efficient discussions carried out earlier this year during his visit to Turkey.

Talking about cooperation between Turkey and Azerbaijan in the field of migration, chief of the Service stressed the importance of relations between the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan and relevant bodies of the fraternal country. F. Nabiyev brought to the attention that Turkish citizens receive education in our republic, engage in paid labor activities in various fields as a labor migrant, and added that their rights, in general rights of all the migrants are always protected in Azerbaijan at a high-level. As stated before during the meetings in Turkey, Chief of the Service once more expressed his assurance on surrounding of  Azerbaijani citizens with such care in the fraternal country, as well.

F. Nabiyev noted that as in other areas, the relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan in the field of migration is developing at an ever-increasing pace.

The sides expressed their satisfaction with the conditions created in our country for Turkish businessmen.

The Ambassador expressed his gratitude to the chief of the State Migration Service for the sincere meeting. The diplomat spoke abut the brotherly relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey and touched upon sound and sustainable development path of these relations. He noted that he will spare no effort to further strengthen relations between the two countries, as well as enhance bilateral relations between the relevant authorities in the field of migration.


Migration legislation, as well as other issues of mutual interest related to the migration were discussed at the meeting.

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