Event dedicated to 28 May – The day of Republic held at State Migration Service

On May 26, 2012 event dedicated to 28 May – The day of Republic was held at the administrative building of the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Chief of the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan, III rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev announced the event open.

After playing the National Anthem of Azerbaijan Republic Service chief F. Nabiyev made a speech with comprehensive report. Mentioning significant place of this remarkable day in the statehood history of our people Service chief notified that though the first democratic republic in the East – Peoples Republic of Azerbaijan lived only 23 months, laid foundations of great political, economic and cultural events in our independency history.

Mentioning Great Leader’s words - “Today we can say with determination that Azerbaijan state, independent Azerbaijan Republic is successor of the Peoples Republic established in 1918” – F. Nabiyev stated that as a result of the successful policy pursued by Nation-wide Leader Azerbaijan proved its independence to the world and laid foundations of constancy and eternity of our liberty.

In his speech Service chief brought to attention successful continuation of the process of establishing democratic, legal, secular state and civil society, successful implementation of political, economic and social reforms in our republic, irreversible development of country economy, effective measures for strengthening social protection of the population with the guidance of worthy follower of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev’s political course – respected President Mr. Ilham Aliyev.

It was mentioned that today achievements gained in migration field are among these measures. Under the leadership of Mr. President rapid development of our country turned it into attractive country and caused growth of the number of foreigners coming here.

Later ranks were given, Honorary Diplomas and prizes were presented by Service chief to a number of employees for distinguishing in service activity.

Documentary film dedicated to Great Leader Heydar Aliyev was demonstrated at the end of the ceremony.

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