
Statistics of the State Migration Service for July 2020

During July 2020, 473 decisions were made by the State Migration Service on violation of the requirements of migration, as well as administrative legislation in the Republic of Azerbaijan.   219 decisions were on imposition of the penalty without administrative expulsion from the territory of the country for infringement of the requirements of relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code, including 125 decisions on leaving the country by paying a penalty and 94 decisions on legalization of residence within the territory of the country.

Out of 222 decisions on imposing ban on entry to the territory of the country 7 decisions were on imposition of penalty with administrative expulsion from the territory of the country for infringement of the requirements of relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code and 215 decisions on violating requirements of the relevant Articles of the Migration Code.

26 decisions were made on loss of permission cards for temporary and permanent residence, as well as 6 decisions on violation of the rules for recruitment of foreigners and stateless persons.

During July, 15692 applications on extension of temporary staying period, issuance of temporary and permanent residence permits, acquisition, restoration and revocation of citizenship, establishment of citizenship and determination of refugee status, as well as issuance and extension of validity of work permits for carrying out labor activity were received. Each application was investigated individually in accordance with the requirements of the legislation and relevant decisions were made.

1925 applications for registration upon place of stay of foreigners and stateless persons were registered during the relevant period.

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