
To the attention of the citizens of the Republic of Turkey who intend to visit, reside and work in the Republic of Azerbaijan!

The Agreement "On mutual visa exemption between Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Government of the Republic of Turkey" signed on February 25, 2020 in Baku will enter into force on August 13, 2020.

According to the agreement, mutually, citizens of Azerbaijan and Turkey are exempted from visa requirements for 90 (ninety) days for entry to, transit through, departure from and temporary stay in each other`s territory. Persons willing to stay in the territory of the relevant country for more than 90 (ninety) days must apply in advance for a temporary residence permit. Passports belonging to citizens of both countries must be valid for at least 6 (six) months from the date of entry into the territory of the relevant country. Citizens of both countries must follow the rules and procedures arising from national legislation. Turkish citizens temporarily staying in Azerbaijan for more than 15 days must be registered upon their place of stay. Moreover, visa exemption does not entitle to work or engage in any paid labour activity. Turkish citizens willing to engage in paid labor activity in the Republic of Azerbaijan must obtain a work permit through employers in accordance with existing regulations (except in cases where a work permit is not required).

Entry into force of the Agreement on August 13 doesn’t affect restrictions on state border crossings related with special quarantine regime applied in the territory of the country.

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