
An online press conference organized with the participation of Vusal Huseynov, Chief of the State Migration Service, III rank state migration service counselor

Migration has also been affected by the recent global pandemic in the world. This statement was made by Vusal Huseynov, Chief of the State Migration Service, III rank state migration service counselor at his online press conference on "The activities of the State Migration Service during the pandemic and services provided to foreigners in our country." The conference was attended by about 40 journalists from various mass media. The chief of the Service noted that the Task Force under the Cabinet of Ministers, which includes a representative of the State Migration Service by the Order of President Ilham Aliyev, took systematic measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and also kept migration issues in focus. As well as he stated that in order to protect the health and safety of foreigners and stateless persons during the quarantine period, to ensure their comfort, to minimize the reasons for leaving home, a number of services provided by the State Migration Service were only rendered online. He mentioned optimization of the reception of documents and simplification of the permit procedure during this period.

The chief of the Service also noted that the requirement to apply for extension of temporary staying period in the country by foreigners who are in the country and cannot leave the country for obvious reasons has been eliminated. Permits of foreigners, whose stay in the country expires, have been extended without their applications. After the restrictions at the state border are lifted, these foreigners will be able to leave the country in a short period of time.

During the online conference, Vusal Huseynov highlighted the improvement of state-citizen relations through modern technologies and the provision of free access to online services as today’s reality. He also stressed that the Service had taken necessary measures to expand the use of e-services and improve their quality before the pandemic. Today, the Service has further accelerated this work. As a result of the work done, the number of foreigners using e-services has increased during the special quarantine regime. Thus, from March to May 15 of this year, 6691 people used the e-services of the State Migration Service related to the extension of the temporary staying period and work/residence permits. This is 24 times more in comparison with the same period of the last year.

During the quarantine period, the 919 Call Center of the State Migration Service, which operates 24 hours a day, worked in an intensified mode. From March to May 15, the Call Center received 92,967 calls, which includes 36.337 on extension of temporary staying period, 24.624 on temporary residence permit, 2.701 on work permit, 2.006 on permanent residence permit, 1.067 on administrative offense, 1.444 on citizenship issues, 4.408 on registration on place of stay, and 20.380 on other issues. This is about 4 times more compared with last year. The chief of the Service said that each call received by the Call Center was taken into account and responded promptly. He reminded foreigners to call (012) 919 - Call Center on any issue.

The State Migration Service also continued awareness-raising activities. All necessary information was shared with foreigners through the Service's website, Facebook and Twitter social accounts, as well as through the Call Center "(012) 919".

In addition, the Migration Volunteer Public Union organized a charity event in order to support the persons granted asylum in Azerbaijan, low-income refugee families, as well as persons over the age of 65 living alone.

The chief of the Service spoke about the work done during the pandemic, as well as the achievements of the State Migration Service. He underlined that one of the achievements of our country in the field of migration management at the national and regional levels was the election of our country as a member of the Steering Group of the Global Forum on Migration and Development. Furthermore, he informed that the Service organized a number of online video conferences with international and local organizations in accordance with the requirements of the day.

In the end, Vusal Huseynov answered the questions of journalists.

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