
Press conference dedicated to the results of 2019 held at State Migration Service

On January 15, 2020 a press-conference dedicated to the results of 2019 was held in the headquarters of the State Migration Service with the participation of representatives of mass-media and non-governmental organizations.

At the event Chief of the State Migration Service, III rank state migration service counselor Vusal Huseynov gave detailed information on implemented activities in migration sphere, obtained results and statistics.

He stated that last year the tasks assigned by the country's leadership to the State Migration Service were timely and successfully fulfilled. Important measures were taken to improve transparency and citizen satisfaction, to improve legislation - to simplify and facilitate the effective practice of foreigners' rights, to apply innovations in the management of migration processes in the country, as well as to implement new social projects.

Vusal Huseynov gave information on main statistical data for the past year and noted that in general there was an increase in the number of applications to the Service. Thus, in comparison with the same period of last year the number of foreigners and stateless persons entered the country in 2019 increased by 11 %, as well as 10% increase was observed in permits for temporary residence in the country and 8% in work permits. Moreover, 7% increase was recorded in the number of applications for refugee status.

Furthermore, during the last year as a result of the opportunities created for foreigners to stay and reside in the country, as well as a result of the awareness raising activities on migration issues there was a 23 percent decrease in the number of decisions made by the State Migration Service in connection with the violation of migration legislation.

The Service chief noted that for the first time in the activities of the State Migration Service the implementation of social projects was also a priority in 2019. The Migration School, the Information Technology School, the “Migration Volunteers” Public Union and the Youth Development Forum contributed to the acquisition of new knowledge and experience in the area of migration for young people. Young people were also provided with an opportunity to do internship in relevant service units.

It was noted that the Call Center, which was set to operate on a non-stop basis from 2019, receives calls from citizens 24 hours every day of the week. The number of calls during this period was 110,268.

The Service chief also informed the participants of the event about the achievements. He said that as a result of the work carried out by the State Migration Service to improve the service, according to the results of assessment on the “ASAN Service” index, the State Migration Service showed the highest result in the last two years and was ranked the first (68.98% and 83.81%).

The Service chief gave detailed information about the issues to be realized in the future and at the end of the event he answered the questions of media representatives.

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