
Action Plan of “Migration Volunteers” considered for 2020 the “Year of Volunteers” approved

Chief of the State Migration Service, III rank state migration service counselor Vusal Huseynov has met with the Board of Managers of the “Migration Volunteers” Public Union related with announcement of 2020 the “Year of volunteers” in accordance with the relevant Order of the President Ilham Aliyev.

Highly appreciating the successful projects implemented last year by the “Migration Volunteers” Service chief noted that this year, the activity of youth will be kept in the center of attention and relevant support will be provided to them, as well. Vusal Huseynov mentioned that announcement of 2020 the “Year of Volunteers” with the relevant Order of the President Ilham Aliyev is the highest value given to the activity of young volunteers in the country. The Order of the head of state will strongly push forward work of recently expanding volunteerism movement.

At the meeting discussions were conducted on projects covering various topics towards professional development of youth, increasing their outlook and spending their leisure time in an efficient way. At the event Action Plan of the “Migration Volunteers” Public Union for the current year was approved.

In the end Vusal Huseynov wished success to the “Migration Volunteers” in their activities and expressed his assurance of further achievements of “Migration Volunteers” with various projects this year.

It should be noted that according to Action Plan the “Law and young lawyers” project of the “Migration Volunteers” will be implemented soon. Call for application will be announced for the youth willing to enhance their knowledge and practice in this field.


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