
Law “On Administrative Execution” of the Republic of Azerbaijan and its application in the field of migration discussed

A workshop on “New administrative law in the Republic of Azerbaijan and pressing issues regarding its application” has been organized at the State Migration Service.

Employees of the headquarters of SMS and its Regional Migration Departments participated in the workshop.

Deputy head of the Administrative and Military Legislation Division of the Apparatus of Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan Sayyad Karimov delivered a speech on the Law “On Administrative Execution” of the Republic of Azerbaijan and its application in the field of migration, grounds and principles of launching administrative proceedings, administrative act, its form, content and legal effect, execution, as well as made presentations. He touched upon the requirements arising from legal state building principles, as well as issues on application of predictable management.

Afterwards, questions that interested the Service employees were responded.

It should be noted that the workshop was organized within the framework of the “Legal approximation towards European standards in the South Caucasus” project of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ).

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