State Migration Services organized mobile service in Zagatala

A mobile service has been organized by the State Migration Service in Zagatala city which is included to the service area of the Shaki Regional Migration Department.

27 persons used the opportunities of the mobile service. References on the establishment of citizenship were presented to 10 persons, as well as documents were received from 2 persons for issuance of temporary residence permit. Furthermore, 8 persons submitted documents for the establishment of citizenship to the Republic of Azerbaijan and 1 application addressed to the Service chief by the citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan was received.

Furthermore, the list of documents required for the establishment of citizenship, obtaining temporary and permanent residence, as well as work permits was presented to 6 persons.

It should be noted that information was given about the use of “MIGAZ” mobile application and innovations in its application to the mobile service beneficiaries. 

Applicants expressed their gratitude for the organization of the mobile service.

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