
State Migration Service held next conference within the framework of “Human rights month” in Shirvan

State Migration Service “SMS” held conference with the participation of the Executive Power, law enforcement officials, heads of other state institutions, representatives of administrative divisions, chairmen of municipalities, academia and public representatives, as well as foreigners and stateless persons in the Youth House of Shirvan city within the framework of the “Human rights month”.

Deputy chief of the Executive Power of Shirvan district Elmira Aghayeva expressed her gratitude for organizing such an event on behalf of the conference participants. She talked about successful state policy carried out  in the direction of ensuring human rights and freedoms in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

At the meeting deputy chief of Shirvan Regional Migration Department Shamsaddin Mammadov informed the participants of the conference about the history of establishment, the stages of development and the activity directons of State Migration Service.

Emin Allahverdiyev, senior inspector of the Migration Policy and Legal Support Head Department of the SMS delivered speech on "Establishment and development of legal state in the Republic of Azerbaijan" and Sahil Fataliyev, senior inspector of the Administration-Supervision Head Department delivered speech on "The importance of raising awareness of the migration process participants on their rights and obligations in preventing illegal migration".

The questions were answered at the end of the event.

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