
Anniversary of the establishment of State Migration Service of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic celebrated

An event on the occasion of the 8th anniversary of the establishment of State Migration Service of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic was held on May 31.

Opening the event chief of the Service, III rank state migration service counselor Shahin Nabiyev noted that the State Migration Service of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic has been established in accordance with the Decree of the Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic dated May 31, 2010. During the past period a strong logistical base and human resources potential have been created for the implementation of the tasks at State Migration Service. Establishment of a unified migration information system was significant for the regulation of these processes in the Autonomous Republic. At the moment the activities of migration services at the border checkpoints of the Autonomous Republic, as well as in Nakhchivan and Julfa passenger terminal buildings are organized at a high level. All rights of foreigners are provided by the State Migration Service. The basis of the activities of State Migration Service is the loyalty to the homeland, take care of every person and above all respect for the rule of law, national and spiritual values.

It was noted that each of the applications to the State Migration Service on registration upon place of stay, extension of temporary staying period, permits for temporary and permanent residence, citizenship issues, as well as issuance of work permits for carrying out paid labor activities and extension of existing work permits have been individually investigated in accordance with the requirements of legislation and the relevant decisions have been made over the past 8 years. Opening of the new headquraters of State Migration Service of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and Detention Center for Illegal Migrants have further increased the level of service.   

Delivering speech at the event, chief of the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan Vusal Huseynov stated that today Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic is a suitable place for migrants to live and work. Migration bodies also sufficiently benefited from the considerable attention paid to the development of all spheres in the Autonomous Republic. Migration services take a considerable part the from state care for the development of all spheres in the Autonomous Republic. As a  result of the work done, migration processes in the Autonomous Republic is carried out in compliance with the requirements of the law.  Employees of migration bodeis  who are trying benefit from created conditions are striving to fulfill their duties. This is an expression of their responsible approach to commitment of their citizenship and duty.  Vusal Huseynov on the occasion of the 8th anniversary of the establishment of the Service congratulated all the employees and wished them successes in their future works.

A group of employees of the State Migration Service of autonomous republic for their distinction in services was awarded with and presented the Jubilee Medal - "10th anniversary of the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan, third grade medal of the Republic of Azerbaijan due to excellence in service at  migration bodies, next and extraordinary special ranks and valuable gifts. The Chief of State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan Vusal Huseynov, the chief of Citizenship Issues Head Department of State Migration Service, III rank state migration service counselor Rza Talibov and chief of State Migration Service of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, III rank state migration service counselor Shahin Nabiyev presented medals and valuable gifts to the employees.   

At the end of the event participants watched the film about the activities of State Migration Service prepared by Nakhchivan State Television.

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