
State Migration Service held conference within the framework of “Human rights month” in Aghsu

The State Migration Service has held conference with the participation of the head of the Executive Power of Aghsu district, the district prosecutor, the chairman of the district court, the head of the police department and heads of other state institutions, representatives of rural administrative divisions, chairmen of municipality, academia and public representatives, as well as foreigners and stateless persons in the administrative building of the Aghsu District branch of the New Azerbaijan Party within the framework of the “Human rights month".

Head of the Executive Power of Aghsu district Anvar Seydaliyev expressed his gratitude to the State Migration Service for organizing such an event on behalf of the conference participants. He talked about the establishment and development of the legal state in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Deputy chief of Aghsu Regional Migration Department Faig Mustafaev informed the participants of the conference about the history of establishment, the stages of development and the activity directons of the State Migration Service.

Emin Allahverdiyev, senior inspector of the Migration Policy and Legal Support Head Department of the SMS delivered speech on "Establishment and development of legal state in the Republic of Azerbaijan" and Vusal Amirli, inspector of the Administration-Supervision Head Department delivered speech on "The importance of raising awareness of the migration process participants on their rights and obligations in preventing illegal migration".

At the end of the event numerous questions concerning the registration of foreigners and stateless persons upon place of stay, rules of temporary stay, temporary and permanent residence, as well as citizenship issues were answered in compliance with the legisation by Hamid Habibov, inspector of the Reception of Citizens and Consideration of Applications Section of the Aghsu Regional Migration Department.

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