
Temporary residence of foreigners and stateless persons on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Foreigners and stateless persons intending to reside temporarily on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan should get a relevant permit for it.

Permit for temporary residence is issued by the State Migration Service of Azerbaijan Republic.

Foreigners and stateless persons are issued permit for temporary residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan in the following cases:

  • In case they are in close relationship with a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • In case they invest at least 500.000 manats in the economy of the country;
  • In case they possess real estate which is worth at least 100.000 manats on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan or funds in the same amount in the banks of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • In case they are highly qualified specialists in the spheres of economy, industry, defense, science, culture, sports, etc;
  • Specialists included to the category defined by relevant executive authority who have been invited by the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan or juridical persons established in the Republic of Azerbaijan for the purpose of doing works or rendering services in the activity spheres determined by the relevant executive authority;
  • In case they are family members of foreigners and stateless persons temporarily or permanently residing on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • In case they hold positions of head or deputy head in the branch or representation of a foreign juridical person in the Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • In case they hold positions of head or deputy head of juridical person established in the Republic of Azerbaijan, the founder or at least one of the founders of which is foreign juridical or physical person;
  • In case they engage in entrepreneurship activity in the Republic of Azerbaijan (this case is only considered as a ground for issuance of permit for temporary residence in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, when those persons work actually by concluding labor contract with at least 5 persons on full time employment or 10 persons on part-time employment. In this case, at least 80 percent of the workers are required to be the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan);
  • In case they obtain work permit in a way defined with Migration Code to carry out paid labor activity on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • In case they get full-time education at the institutions of higher education and technical schools and in case they get education at secondary schools in the Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • In case they are engaged in professional religious activity at officially registered religious institutions;
  • In case there are grounds envisaged by the international agreements of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

In case there are grounds for issuance of permit for temporary residence on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, foreigners and stateless persons should apply to the State Migration Service of Azerbaijan Republic to obtain permit in this regard at least 30 days before the expiry of the temporary staying or temporary residence period.

Application of foreigners and stateless persons for issuance of permit for temporary residence on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan is processed within 20 business days.

In case temporary residence permit is issued to foreigners and stateless persons, those persons are provided with a permission card for temporary residence in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan by the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Permit for temporary residence on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan is issued for the period indicated on the application of an applicant, but for the duration not exceeding 1 year and can be extended each time for the period not exceeding 2 years, if there is a relevant ground.

Permit for temporary residence on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan for foreigners and stateless persons, who invest 500.000 manats in country economy is issued for the period indicated on the application of an applicant, but for the duration not exceeding 3 years and can be extended each time for the period not exceeding 3 years, if there is a relevant ground. 

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