
Issues of integration and social protection of foreigners residing in Azerbaijan with refugee status discussed at State Migration Service

At the meeting of the working group on issues of integration and social protection of foreigners residing in Azerbaijan with refugee status attended the Chief of State Migration Service (SMS), along with authorized officials from various government agencies dealing with refugee problems, the head of  UNHCR office in Azerbaijan, the national coordinator of the “Support to the Implementation of the Mobility Partnership with Azerbaijan (MOBİLAZE)” project and the member of the Public Council under the State Migration Service.    

At the opening of the meeting the Chief of State Migration Service Vusal Huseynov emphasizing the need for a concrete outcome of each meeting of the working group, expressed his confidence that productive and useful discussions will be held at the third meeting. The Chief of the Service noted that State Migration Service will continue to support the activities of the working group. Because the representation of both state agencies and international partners on this platform is very crucial for us.

The purpose of the third meeting of the working group is  improvement of suitable conditions created for refugees during their stay in Azerbaijan,  promotion of socio-economic and human rights stipulated in existing legislation and international conventions. V.Huseynov notified that a mechanism should be created where international partners and civil society institutions along with the state should take an active part in order to keep employment issues of persons with refugee status and social concerns at the center of attention.    

The Chief of the Service mentioned that two meetings were held so far with  working group under the leadership of the State Migration Service  at the topics of “Refugee's access to labor market and social welfare system in Azerbaijan” and “Related to travel document and refugee identity card”. At today’s meeting “Successes in ensuring the socio-economic rights of people who have been granted refugee status in Azerbaijan and recommendations for the “Roadmap” on the integration policy of refugees”are discussed.  It should be reminded that the "Road Map" document identifies four key areas for integration of refugees in Azerbaijan: 1) availability of residential area; 2) access to education; 3) access to the labor market; 4) expansion of intercultural dialogue.    

Furio de Angelis, the head of UNHCR office in Azerbaijan mentioned that multilateral approach is required for the discussed topic. As the subject of refugee is a global process, we will give our support on drawing international attention to this issue and bringing best practices in this field to Azerbaijan.  He pointed out the attitude towards the people of this vulnerable category and the importance of the document discussed at the meeting.

 The national coordinator of the project “Support to the Implementation of the Mobility Partnership with Azerbaijan (MOBİLAZE)” Elnur Nasibov presentation about  the "Road Map".  

Afterwards discussions were held on the topic.

It should be noted that according to the relevant recommendation of the Cabinet of Ministers at the end of 2016 a working group has been established consisting of representatives of relevant government agencies on issues of integration and social protection of foreigners residing in Azerbaijan with refugee status.  The structure of the working group includes management of State Migration Service, authorized representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Taxes, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Finance, State Security Service.  

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