
A conference dedicated to the eradication of statelessness hold in Khachmaz

The conference organized by the State Migration Service on "Citizenship Issues is one of the Basic Human Rights" was attended by representatives of the Administration of Khachmaz region, Representation of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Azerbaijan, employees of the relevant state agencies, representaties of the public, as well as foreigners and stateless persons.

The head of Khachmaz Regional Migration Department, migration service counselor Hidayat Rustamov, informed about the purpose of the event. He emphasized the importance of holding such a conference in Khachmaz as a continuation of the activities carried out by the Service in the direction of legalization of the persons residing in the country without documents.

Later Rza Talibov, head of the Citizenship Issues General Department of SMS, senior migration service counselor made a speech. He stated that according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated from March 6, 2008 the participation of State Migration Service in citizenship issues was provided and since that time the Service began to investigate the inquiries from the persons and different organizations about the acquisition, restoration and revocation of the citizenships of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Also, according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the State Migration Service has been determined as the relevant executive authority establishing a person's affiliation to citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan joined the UNHCR campaign "to end statelessness in 10 years" in order to increase awareness of fight against statelessness by SMS and to strengthen cooperation for the elimination of problems arising in the process of establishing legal status of these persons, as well as effective protection of their rights. In order to eradication statelessness in a short period of time, the Service carries out relevant work in all the regions of the country.

It was noted that according to the relevant orders of the President of Azerbaijan, 2199 people have been admitted to Azerbaijani citizenship and citizenship of 66 persons have been restored since 2008. 1528 of the persons admitted to citizenship, and 44 of those whose citizenship has been restored are stateless persons.

Moreover, 101,604 persons have been recognized by the Service as citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and they have been provided with identification documents of the Azerbaijani citizen by the relevant state body.

It was reported that applications for establishment of citizenship are receved at State Migration Service, Regional Migration Departments or ASAN Service Centers, and the circulation of documents is carried out electronically.

Later, a report on "Activities and achievements of State Migration Service" was presented.

Shamsaddin Khanbabayev, the head of the executive power of Khachmaz region expressed his gratitude for organizing such event. He spoke about the activities of the State Migration Service. He told that Khachmaz Regional Migration Department managed to resolve promptly migration related issues in the region which is visited by a huge number of tourists and where foreigners reside. He also appreciated the work done by the entity to ensure documentation of persons living without documents.

On the same day mobile document reception was organized for documentation of 18 foreigners and stateless persons residing in the service area of Khachmaz Regional Migration Department. 

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