
Awareness raising events at higher education institutions met with interest by students

Awareness raising events on the eve of 11th anniversary of the establishment of State Migration Service in the capital and regions for the purpose of informing public, foreigners and stateless persons are continued.

Novelties in migration legislation were explained at Azerbaijan Technical University and Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University.

At the meeting competent employees of the Service made a speech on services rendered by the State Migration Service, as well as gained results.

It was mentioned that one of the cases when a temporary residence permit is granted to foreigners and stateless persons is to set education as a full-time student in higher and vocational education institutions and at secondary schools of the country.

The amount of state fee for the issuance of temporary residence permit card and for extension of its period was determined as 40 manats up to 1 year, 80 manats up to 2 year for foreigners and stateless persons studying full-time in higher and vocational education institutions of the Republic. The amount for adult foreigners and stateless persons to obtain permit card for temporary residence on the territory of Azerbaijan up to 1 year is 120 manats. Nevertheless, as another example of Azerbaijan’s humane approach relevant privileges are considered in this field for foreign students. 

It was emphasized that it is impossible to imagine migration services without achievements of modern information technologies. Particular section was created by the Service on official website in order to render “E-Services”. It was brought into attention that currently, SMS receives applications of citizens via 11 e-services integrated to e-government portal and decisions are made on each of them according to requirements of the legislation. This, in turn ensures efficiency, convenience, as well as transparency of services rendered to citizens.

It was noted that “Call Center” (012 919) of the Service is of significant importance in terms of ensuring applicants right to access necessary information in 3 languages.

The condition established for foreigners and stateless persons in the country, as well as information given on services rendered by the State Migration Service were met with interest by participants.

At the end of meetings held in both universities, questions interested participants were responded.

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