
Chief of State Migration Service met with the Head of the European Union Delegation to the Republic of Azerbaijan

At the meeting, on which the development of high-level bilateral cooperation was emphasized, touching upon the existing relations between Azerbaijan and the European Union (EU), Chief of State Migration Service, II rank state migration service counselor, Firudin Nabiyev mentioned that these relations should serve for the benefit of citizens of both the EU countries and our republic.

The importance of the 4th Ministerial Meeting of the Southern Gas Corridor Advisory Council in Baku was underlined. It was stated that Azerbaijan is significant partner of the EU in energy sphere and cooperation not only in energy sector, but also other areas including migration sphere has intensified recently.

Chief of the Service shared his thoughts on efficient results of his official visits to the EU member states. Concrete facts were brought to attention on the contribution made by these visits to cooperation in the field of migration, from point of view of the execution of readmission agreements between Azerbaijan and the EU, on problems arising during execution and their solutions. He underlined the role of the EU Delegation in Azerbaijan in formation of the successful cooperation ties.

At the meeting, the fact of occupation of Azerbaijan territories by Armenia was brought to attention. Chief of the Service spoke about difficulties, due to the occupation, on determining the identities of the persons from the occupied territories of our country who are illegally residing in the EU member states.

The importance of supporting territorial integrity of the countries in accordance with Joint Declaration signed in the framework of the Eastern Partnership Summit held with participation of heads of the states in November of last year, was highlighted at the meeting.

Some issues on migration legislation were emphasized at the meeting, held in the frame of mutual exchange of views. Chief of the Service gave information on requirements of legislation on entering the country, staying and residence of foreigners and stateless persons in the country, procedures applied and ASAN visa. He spoke about intensive measures conducted in the frame of illegal migration in recent days.

At the meeting the complexity of the refugee and migrant crisis in the world and in Europe, and the importance of applying a humanist and comprehensive approach to the fight against that crisis were highlighted.

The Head of the EU Delegation to the Republic of Azerbaijan Kestutis Yankauskas thanked Chief of the Service for taking time to the meeting. 

At the end exchange of views was conducted on perspectives for future cooperation.  

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