
A meeting held with the Ambassador of Germany at State Migration Service

Chief of State Migration Service, II rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev met with Michael Kindsgrab, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany to our country upon his request at the administrative building of State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Purpose of the meeting was discussion of current situation on cooperation between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Federal Republic of Germany in the field of regulation of migration processes, as well as problems in migration field which citizens of Germany living in Azerbaijan and respectively citizens of Azerbaijan living in Germany face. At the meeting opinion exchange was conducted on solving these problems in the frame of existing bilateral cooperation.

F. Nabiyev gave broad information on activity directions of SMS at the meeting, in which achievements of the republic, measures taken in our country under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev were discussed. He noted that SMS conducts state migration policy, control in migration field on observation of the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan by foreigners temporary staying, as well as residing on temporary and permanent basis on the territory of the country, also takes appropriate measures to remove foreigners who violated the requirements of existing legislation from the territory of the country. He talked about the capacity of Unified Migration Information System. He said that Detention Centers for Illegal Migrants that meet international standards operated within the entity in Baku and Yevlakh cities. He stated that in the background of globalization which is occurring in the world now, Azerbaijan pursues active migration policy to affect migration processes in the region, to keep migration flows in the territory of the republic under control as well as to manage and regulate migration processes within the country according to the national legislation.

Firudin Nabiyev added that State Migration Service is developing cooperation activities with International Migration Organization, UNHCR, European Union, CIS, as well as International Centre for Migration Policy Development and other international and regional organizations. At the same time SMS expands cooperation with several countries on the basis of bilateral relations in fields of legal migration, effective migration management, readmission, voluntary return and social protection of migrants, implements joint projects, also learns advanced and innovative experience in the field of migration and applies it in our country.

Drawing attention to the recent visit of the delegation of the Service to Germany and fruitful meetings within the framework of the visit, Head of the SMS noted that issues were discussed related to violations committed by the opposite side in the course of the implementation of the "Agreement between the Republic of Azerbaijan  and the European Union on the readmission of persons residing without authorization”, for the implementation of which State Migration Service has been designated as the competent national authority. Chief of the Service expressed his hope that the preparation of a bilateral agreement on cooperation between the state authorities of the two countries in the sphere of migration would give impetus to the deepening of relations. He called a progressive case that one-time financial assistance, under the project called "State Aid +", which is granted to returners by Germany, is also applied to Azerbaijani citizens from 1st December of last year.

Noting his awareness on official visit of the delegation headed by Service chief to the country represented by him Ambassador expressed his assurance that this visit will make an essential contribution to the enhancement of cooperation between Germany and Azerbaijan in the field of migration. Emphasizing that they receive instruction from the Center to keep regular contacts with SMS regarding the issues of migration Michael Kindsgrab brought into attention of Service chief once again gratitude of State Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Interior, Emily Haber for constructive meetings held in the framework of visit to Germany.

Touching upon the history of relations between Azerbaijan and Germany which celebrate 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations Service chief stressed that 2017 marked 200th anniversary of the establishment of german settlements in South Caucasus region and mentioned significance of the Order signed by President Ilham Aliyev in 2016 regarding decent celebration of this event considering its great importance in propagating Azerbaijan as a tolerant country with century-old multicultural values. He stated that german material heritage preserved in Azerbaijan is a strong basis in terms of development of friendly relations between our nations.

F.Nabiyev noted that in a period of Islamophobia and religious intolerance widely occurring in most parts of the world, our country is distinguished with its hospitality, safety and stability. In Azerbaijan representatives of all religions and nations live together in peace.

At the meeting talking about Armenian-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh  conflict Service chief once again reminded that as a result of the occupation of 20 percent of Azerbaijani territories by Armenian side all historical monuments concerning to Islam religion, including mosques and places of worship were destroyed. But the church belonging to Armenians still remains in the capital of our country.

Michael Kindsgrab stated that Germany respects territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the current status quo is intolerable, as well as emphasized the significance of setting peaceful resolution of the conflict within the framework of international norms as a main target.

Firudin Nabiyev brought into attention that the territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan has been recognized by international organizations and UN Security Council adopted 4 resolutions regarding this, however tolerance demonstrated by world union against infringement of the requirements of the aforementioned resolutions by Armenian side is inexplicable.

Ambassador noted that he witnessed dynamic development in the country, especially in capital Baku. He mentioned the increase in Azerbaijan’s influence in international world, as well as existence of exemplary multicultural and tolerant environment in the country during recent years. Michael Kindsgrab emphasized the interest of Germany in the development of bilateral relations.

Guest expressed his gratitude for sincere meeting.

At the end opinion exchange was carried out on issues of mutual interest. 

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