
Minister of Internal Affairs of Moldova visited State Migration Service

The delegation led by Alexander Zhizdan  Minister of Internal Affairs of Moldova within the framework of the visit to Azerbaijan, visited the State Migration Service on November 16.

Firstly, the delegation visited the museum of Heydar Aliyev. Photos which reflect various periods of life and activity of National Leader Heydar Aliyev were seen. Minister Alexander Zhizdan wrote his wishes to “Memorial book”.

Afterwards, Chief of the State Migration Service, II rank migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev sincerely greeted guests at the meeting, noted that bilateral relations between our countries are successfully developing in various fields, including in the field of migration and existence of "Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of the Republic of Moldova on cooperation in the field of migration", pointed that visit of the Minister of Internal Affairs to our country will contribute to the further expansion of this cooperation.

Chief of the Service brought to the attention of the guest concrete facts on achievements of the state attained under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev. He noted that stability is fully ensured, and the rights and freedoms of foreigners are protected at a high level in our country which develops rapidly from a socio-economic aspect and where tolerance has become a lifestyle and multicultural values are of special importance.

F.Nabiyev gave broad information on activity direction of State Migration Service, shared opinions on migration processes management and fight against illegal migration. It was stated that since July 1, 2009 application of “one-stop-shop” principle in regulating migration processes was started and competence of unified authority upon this principle was vested to State Migration Service.   Speaking about the work principle of the Unified Migration Information System, the Chief of the Service notified that arrival date, residence and work place, as well as departure of every foreigner and stateless person are kept under full control via Unified Migration Information System of State Migration Service which its operation has been provided with the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated from February 6, 2009. This enables us to have a full notion about dynamics of migration processes occurring in the country. 

Chief of the Service giving information on work of  Detention Centre of Illegal Migrants and touched upon the measures against illegal migration, the work done in this direction and achieved results stressed that Azerbaijan increases its efforts year after year to combat human trafficking. Although the main competences in the field of human trafficking are implemented by Main Department on Combating Trafficking in Human Being of Ministry of Internal Affairs, also State Migration Service assists in identifying victims of human trafficking, takes into account the likelihood of victims of human trafficking during the fight against illegal migration and applies a sensitive approach in relation to those persons. The country has ratified Council of Europe Convention on “Action against Trafficking in Human Beings” in 2010. 

F. Nabiyev added that our country gives special importance to international cooperation in the field of application and study of best practices for the purpose of effective protection of migrants’ rights, prevention of illegal migration, management and forecasting of migration processes. Furthermore, our country via implementation of return of illegal migrants in the frame of readmission agreements signed with European Union ensures protection of their human rights.

During the meeting, works done towards the signing of the readmission agreement between Moldova and Azerbaijan were discussed.

F.Nabiyev underlined that our countries faced similar problems in a certain sense, spoke about the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict which emerged as a result of Armenian aggression, the problem of refugees and IDPs faced by our republic in the 90s of the last century snd conditions created for those category of persons today.

Minister of Internal Affairs expressed satisfaction for his visit to our country, meeting with President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and for successful cooperation between the law-enforcement agencies of Azerbaijan and Moldova.

It was underlined that the importance of exchange of experience in the field of migration management, future prospects of joint cooperation in the fight against illegal migration were discussed and views were exchanged on other issues of mutual interest.


At the meeting Ambassador of Azerbaijan in Moldova G.Osmanov and Ambassador of Moldova in our country G.Leuke participated as well.

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