
Opinion exchange was conducted on cooperation between the Government of Azerbaijan and the UNHCR in Geneva

Within the 68th session of the Executive Committee of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan, chairman of the State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and IDPs Ali Hasanov had a meeting with Filippo Grandi, the UN high Commissioner for Refugees on October 2, in Geneva, Switzerland.

On behalf of the Government of Azerbaijan, Ali Hasanov thanked the High Commissioner for the UNHCR`s activity in our country and its assistance and support to our country since 1992 in addressing numerous humanitarian problems of the refugees and IDPs, who are the victims of Armenia`s military aggression. He mentioned socio-economic development in our country under the leadership of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and highlighted the works done in the direction of improving living conditions of refugees and IDPs, as well as the realized state programs. Informing about the strategic directions set forth by the head of state and is required to be implemented until 2020, Deputy Prime Minister emphasized that solution of social and humanitarian problems of refugees and IDPs hold an important place among these targets.

Deputy Prime Minister spoke about the status quo of Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and Armenia`s non-constructive position in the negotiations, and stressed threats to civilians as a result of violation of the ceasefire by Armenia on the frontline. Ali Hasanov, regretfully noting the double increase in the number of refugees and IDPs in the world within last 30 years, stated that some states are not willing to resolve conflicts in the world because of their global and regional interests.

Ali Hasanov recalling Filippo Grandi’s visit to Azerbaijan within the delegation accompanying the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in 1999, presented a photo album reflecting that visit to Mr.Grandi and invited UN High Commissioner for Refugees to pay an official visit to Azerbaijan.  

High Commissioner hailed the Azerbaijani government`s efforts to improve living conditions of the refugees and IDPs. Welcoming the official invitation he expressed his intention to visit Azerbaijan again. He supported Ali Hasanov’s comments on the analysis of the situation and stressed the necessity of combining the international community`s efforts to solve problems of refugees and IDPs all over the world.

UN High Commissioner thanked the Government of Azerbaijan for creating transparent and free conditions for international organizations` activity. Grandi said that UNHCR is committed to developing its successful cooperation with Azerbaijani government.

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