
Meeting held with the Ambassador of Jordan in our country at State Migration Service 

The chief of State Migration Service II rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev spoke about historical friendship relations between Azerbaijan and Jordan and the role of state leaders of both countries in development of the relations at the meeting with the Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in our country Mr. Nassar Ibrahim Mahammad Al-Habashneh,. He noted that the relations between our countries in political, humanitarian and other spheres are at the high level. Jordan always supports and promotes Azerbaijan’s standpoint in the international organizations.  

The Service chief informed the Ambassador about stable and sustainable economic growth in Azerbaijan under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev.

It was noted during the conversation that the dynamic development, tranquility and importance given to existing multicultural values made Azerbaijan as an attractive country for foreigners. The high level organization of IV Islamic Solidarity Games in Baku in May of this year was appreciatively stated at the meeting in which significance of our country for both Europe and Islamic world was emphasized.

F.Nabiyev brought the just position of our country in Armenian-Azerbaijan Nagorno Karabakh conflict into attention of the Ambassador.

The Ambassador Nassar Ibrahim Mahammad Al-Habashneh noted that he directly witnessed the rapid development of Azerbaijan and its security. The diplomat highly appraised the support of the Azerbaijan Government to refugees and internally displaced persons settled both in our country and in other states. He underlined great interest of Jordanians on Azerbaijan as a country sharing the same values.

In compliance with the spirit of bilateral political relations, the importance of expanding ties between the two countries in migration sphere was stressed at the meeting.


The opinion on issues of mutual interest was exchanged at the meeting in which several questions interesting the Jordanian side regarding migration legislation were responded.  

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