
State Migration Service held next event on raising awareness of employers

At the meeting with representatives of employers functioning in our republic first deputy chief of the Service, III rank state migration service counselor Vali Naghiyev gave a speech on circumstance created by the President Ilham Aliyev for private sector and entrepreneurship in Azerbaijan. He talked about the measures taken by State Migration Service as a central executive authority in this field within the framework of its competences defined by the law in accordance with strategy determined by the head of the country. He stated that today’s meeting serves both to bring into participants’ attention information on some novelties in legislation, as well as to encourage entrepreneurs and employers to obey determined procedures on involving foreign labor force in paid labor activity.

At the meeting information was given on requirements of “Rule on determination of labor migration quota” approved by the Decision of Cabinet of Ministers №124 dated from March 14, 2016. Employers should submit forecast-information on the demand to foreign labor force for the next year to State Migration Service before May 1st every year by indicating professions upon Employment Classification according to the Rule approved by considering the situation of domestic labor market, demand for manpower, existence of vacancies which are not applied by the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan with professional skills and qualifications relevant for requirements of the job, ability of employment service bodies to meet requirements of employers for manpower at the cost of local labor resources, as well as necessity of attracting highly qualified foreign specialists. But he mentioned that some of the companies, holdings, in a word, some employers do not submit forecast-information in time or completely, as a result, those employers can not involve enough foreign specialist according to the demand after the approval of labor migration quota and this case affects their business plans. As labor migration quota is the last limit of foreigners’ number defined for carrying out paid labor activity in the territory of the republic within a calendar year. For this purpose every employer should previously define demand for foreign labor force in its planned projects and ensure submission of forecast information to the SMS in determined time according to the adopted Rule. It was brought into attention that forecast-information form is placed in official website ( of te State Migration Service and works in an online regime.

At the event it was also noted that according to the Decree of the President of Azerbaijan dated from February 3, 2016 Board of Appeal of State Migration Service and its Secretariat were established, as well as their staff and Regulation were approved for provision of transparency and flexibility in the field of processing complaints of physical and legal persons engaged in entrepreneurial activity, protection of rights and legally protected interests of people in this field. It is noteworthy that no complaint received by the Service from physical and legal persons engaged in entrepreneurial activity.

At the meeting one opinion was also noted that today using local labor resources in big projects implementing in our country is one of the main priorities. As President Ilham Aliyev said that firstly its citizen should benefit from the development of Azerbaijan. From this point of view State Migration Service gave contribution to the implementation of nationalization program in energy and oil-gas projects of the country as an executer of this policy. Thus, according to provisions indicated and affirmed in “Contract of the Century” every company that is operator, contractor, and subcontractor in oil-gas fields of our country has finished its nationalization programs and nationalization program covering 2014-2018 was approved. In accordance with the Plan as a result of nationalization policy the number of citizens of Azerbaijan working in oil-gas projects has been increased to 90 % from 78% and consistence of national personnel 95% in this field for the year 2018 was determined as a target.

Later information was given to participants on measures taken against illegal migration and achieved results. The significance of obeying the requirements of legislation by both employers and foreigners and stateless persons was explained. It was emphasized that State Migration Service controls the date of every foreigners’ and stateless persons’ entry to the country, their place of residence and work, as well as the date of exit from the country via UMIS.

In the end it was mentioned once again that meeting serves ensuring convenience of employers in Azerbaijan, improving entrepreneurship environment, as well as foreign investment to our country and creating suitable condition for opening new workplaces, stimulating successful activity of both local and foreign physical and legal persons functioning in this direction by observing the requirements of country’s migration legislation.

At the event numerous questions interested the participants were answered.

The participants noted their satisfaction for the organization of event, businessman Mujdelim Bozgurd, representative of BP Sevda Naghiyeva, competent official of American Chamber of Commerce Rashid Mammadov and others expressed their gratitude for detailed information and awareness.

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