Foreigners or stateless persons temporarily staying in the Republic of Azerbaijan for more than 15 days should get registered upon place of stay.

For this purpose, management of the place of stay of the foreigner or stateless person or owner of the place of accommodation should submit the application for registration upon place of stay and copy of the passport/other border crossing document (including visa page and pages indicating last entry to the country) of that person through official website ( of the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan, e-mail ( or in person to the Regional Migration Departments or "ASAN Service" centers within 15 days from the date of arrival of the foreigner in the country.

Foreigners and stateless persons can apply themselves in the aforementioned way for registration upon place of stay, as well.

After receipt of the application, the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan immediately registers foreigners or stateless persons upon place of stay by entering their data to the Unified Migration Information System and informs the applicant about it within 1 working day.

Foreigners and stateless persons are registered for the following periods:

  • Persons arriving upon visa - for the period of stay indicated on visa;
  • Persons arriving under visa-free regime – for 90 days.

No state fee is required for registration upon place of stay of foreigners and stateless persons.

When foreigners and stateless persons leave the place of stay, receiving party or the person himself/herself should inform the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan about it and according to this information they are de-registered. When registration period expires, foreigners and stateless persons are considered de-registered. 

When a foreigner or stateless person changes his/her place of stay, he/she should get registered upon new place of stay within 5 working days from the date of arrival at the new address in a way envisaged by Articles 21.2-21.5 of this Code. When a foreigner or stateless person is temporarily staying in another apartment (place of accommodation) owned by the owner of the apartment (place of accommodation) in which he/she is registered, his/her re-registration is not required.

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