During the reporting period, the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan received a total of 38,318 applications across its activity directions. These included:
- Applications on the registration of foreigners and stateless persons upon their place of stay in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 21,102
- Applications on obtaining or extending residence permits in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 6,188
- Applications regarding citizenship issues – 131
- Applications on determination of affiliation to the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan – 987
- Applications on obtaining or extending work permits for foreigners and stateless persons to engage in paid labor activity in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan – 911
- Calls received by the Call Center – 6,148
- Applications received through the social media accounts and "online guide" service of the Service – 1,505
- Petitions, complaints, and suggestions received from citizens, foreigners, and stateless persons on various issues – 888
- Other applications – 458

Within the framework of measures to combat irregular migration, the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan made 1,612 decisions regarding violations of the Migration Code and the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Legal migration
- Applications on registration of foreigners and stateless persons upon place of stay in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 27328
- Applications on obtaining (extension of validity) temporary and permanent residence permits for foreigners and stateless persons on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan – 6748
- Applications on establishment of the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan- 775
Illegal migration
Number of decisions on infringement of the requirements of migration, as well as administrative legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 1826
- Decisions on not application of administrative expulsion from the territory of the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code - 844
Decisions on leaving the country by paying off the applicable penalty - 430
Decisions on legalization of residence within the territory of the country - 414
- Out of 837 - decisions on imposing ban on entry to the territory of the country for violation of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code and the Migration Code:
Decisions on imposition of the administrative fine with administrative expulsion from the territory of the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code - 222;
Decisions on imposing ban on entry of foreigners and stateless persons to the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Migration Code - 615; including
590 decisions on infringement of the requirements of Article 16.1.8 (When a person fails to pay a fine (including the fee calculated) as an administrative sanction without expulsion from the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan) and 25 decisions for infringement of the requirements of other Articles of the Migration Code.
- Decisions on loss of permission documents for temporary and permanent residence on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan – 51
- Decisions related with employment of foreigners and stateless persons - 71
- Decisions on violation of rules, defined by the Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, on registration and deregistration of foreigners or stateless persons, issuance of documents entitling them to stay and reside in the Republic of Azerbaijan, by the officials of institutions, authorities and organizations which receives foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan, provides them with services and recruitment and executes duties related to observance of the conditions of their stay, residence and transit in/through the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 19
During November of 2024, 5261 calls were received by the Call Center of SMS.
During November of 2024, 13577 e-applications were received for registration upon place of stay, extension of temporary staying period, issuance of permissions for temporary and permanent residence, work permits and extension of their validity.
Legal migration
- Applications on registration of foreigners and stateless persons upon place of stay in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 296007
- Applications on obtaining (extension of validity) temporary and permanent residence permits for foreigners and stateless persons on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan – 54929
- Applications on establishment of the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan- 12041
Illegal migration
Number of decisions on infringement of the requirements of migration, as well as administrative legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 16526
- Decisions on not application of administrative expulsion from the territory of the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code - 8159
Decisions on leaving the country by paying off the applicable penalty - 4176
Decisions on legalization of residence within the territory of the country - 3983
- Out of 7427 - decisions on imposing ban on entry to the territory of the country for violation of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code and the Migration Code:
Decisions on imposition of the administrative fine with administrative expulsion from the territory of the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code - 1744;
Decisions on imposing ban on entry of foreigners and stateless persons to the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Migration Code - 5683; including
5467 decisions on infringement of the requirements of Article 16.1.8 (When a person fails to pay a fine (including the fee calculated) as an administrative sanction without expulsion from the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan) and 216 decisions for infringement of the requirements of other Articles of the Migration Code.
- Decisions on loss of permission documents for temporary and permanent residence on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan – 370
- Decisions related with employment of foreigners and stateless persons - 442
- Decisions on violation of rules, defined by the Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, on registration and deregistration of foreigners or stateless persons, issuance of documents entitling them to stay and reside in the Republic of Azerbaijan, by the officials of institutions, authorities and organizations which receives foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan, provides them with services and recruitment and executes duties related to observance of the conditions of their stay, residence and transit in/through the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 16
During 9 months of 2024, 58038 calls were received by the Call Center of SMS.
During 9 months of 2024, 111592 e-applications were received for registration upon place of stay, extension of temporary staying period, issuance of permissions for temporary and permanent residence, work permits and extension of their validity.
Legal migration
- Applications on registration of foreigners and stateless persons upon place of stay in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 40800
- Applications on obtaining (extension of validity) temporary and permanent residence permits for foreigners and stateless persons on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan – 6516
- Applications on establishment of the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan- 1216
Illegal migration
Number of decisions on infringement of the requirements of migration, as well as administrative legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 2660
- Decisions on not application of administrative expulsion from the territory of the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code - 1221
Decisions on leaving the country by paying off the applicable penalty - 674
Decisions on legalization of residence within the territory of the country - 547
- Out of 1337 - decisions on imposing ban on entry to the territory of the country for violation of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code and the Migration Code:
Decisions on imposition of the administrative fine with administrative expulsion from the territory of the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code - 224;
Decisions on imposing ban on entry of foreigners and stateless persons to the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Migration Code - 1113; including
1092 decisions on infringement of the requirements of Article 16.1.8 (When a person fails to pay a fine (including the fee calculated) as an administrative sanction without expulsion from the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan) and 21 decisions for infringement of the requirements of other Articles of the Migration Code.
- Decisions on loss of permission documents for temporary and permanent residence on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan – 39
- Decisions related with employment of foreigners and stateless persons - 45
- Decisions on violation of rules, defined by the Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, on registration and deregistration of foreigners or stateless persons, issuance of documents entitling them to stay and reside in the Republic of Azerbaijan, by the officials of institutions, authorities and organizations which receives foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan, provides them with services and recruitment and executes duties related to observance of the conditions of their stay, residence and transit in/through the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 1
During August of 2024, 6791 calls were received by the Call Center of SMS.
During August of 2024, 14434 e-applications were received for registration upon place of stay, extension of temporary staying period, issuance of permissions for temporary and permanent residence, work permits and extension of their validity.
Legal migration
- Applications on registration of foreigners and stateless persons upon place of stay in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 57969
- Applications on obtaining (extension of validity) temporary and permanent residence permits for foreigners and stateless persons on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan – 6439
- Applications on establishment of the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan- 2051
Illegal migration
Number of decisions on infringement of the requirements of migration, as well as administrative legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 2378
- Decisions on not application of administrative expulsion from the territory of the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code - 1136
Decisions on leaving the country by paying off the applicable penalty - 601
Decisions on legalization of residence within the territory of the country - 535
- Out of 1150 - decisions on imposing ban on entry to the territory of the country for violation of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code and the Migration Code:
Decisions on imposition of the administrative fine with administrative expulsion from the territory of the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code - 224;
Decisions on imposing ban on entry of foreigners and stateless persons to the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Migration Code - 926; including
882 decisions on infringement of the requirements of Article 16.1.8 (When a person fails to pay a fine (including the fee calculated) as an administrative sanction without expulsion from the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan) and 44 decisions for infringement of the requirements of other Articles of the Migration Code.
- Decisions on loss of permission documents for temporary and permanent residence on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan – 33
- Decisions related with employment of foreigners and stateless persons - 50
- Decisions on violation of rules, defined by the Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, on registration and deregistration of foreigners or stateless persons, issuance of documents entitling them to stay and reside in the Republic of Azerbaijan, by the officials of institutions, authorities and organizations which receives foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan, provides them with services and recruitment and executes duties related to observance of the conditions of their stay, residence and transit in/through the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 4
During July of 2024, 7577 calls were received by the Call Center of SMS.
During July of 2024, 18493 e-applications were received for registration upon place of stay, extension of temporary staying period, issuance of permissions for temporary and permanent residence, work permits and extension of their validity.
Legal migration
- Applications on registration of foreigners and stateless persons upon place of stay in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 164503
- Applications on obtaining (extension of validity) temporary and permanent residence permits for foreigners and stateless persons on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan – 33536
- Applications on establishment of the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan-7452
Illegal migration
Number of decisions on infringement of the requirements of migration, as well as administrative legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 9415
- Decisions on not application of administrative expulsion from the territory of the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code - 4796
Decisions on leaving the country by paying off the applicable penalty - 2379
Decisions on legalization of residence within the territory of the country - 2417
- Out of 3993 - decisions on imposing ban on entry to the territory of the country for violation of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code and the Migration Code:
Decisions on imposition of the administrative fine with administrative expulsion from the territory of the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code - 1104;
Decisions on imposing ban on entry of foreigners and stateless persons to the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Migration Code - 2889; including
2757 decisions on infringement of the requirements of Article 16.1.8 (When a person fails to pay a fine (including the fee calculated) as an administrative sanction without expulsion from the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan) and 132 decisions for infringement of the requirements of other Articles of the Migration Code.
- Decisions on loss of permission documents for temporary and permanent residence on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan – 266
- Decisions related with employment of foreigners and stateless persons - 286
- Decisions on violation of rules, defined by the Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, on registration and deregistration of foreigners or stateless persons, issuance of documents entitling them to stay and reside in the Republic of Azerbaijan, by the officials of institutions, authorities and organizations which receives foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan, provides them with services and recruitment and executes duties related to observance of the conditions of their stay, residence and transit in/through the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 8
During 6 months of 2024, 37788 calls were received by the Call Center of SMS.
During 6 months of 2024, 64356 e-applications were received for registration upon place of stay, extension of temporary staying period, issuance of permissions for temporary and permanent residence, work permits and extension of their validity.
Legal migration
- Applications on registration of foreigners and stateless persons upon place of stay in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 31184
- Applications on obtaining (extension of validity) temporary and permanent residence permits for foreigners and stateless persons on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan – 5769
- Applications on establishment of the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan-1532
Illegal migration
Number of decisions on infringement of the requirements of migration, as well as administrative legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 1765
- Decisions on not application of administrative expulsion from the territory of the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code - 842
Decisions on leaving the country by paying off the applicable penalty - 399
Decisions on legalization of residence within the territory of the country - 443
- Out of 803 - decisions on imposing ban on entry to the territory of the country for violation of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code and the Migration Code:
Decisions on imposition of the administrative fine with administrative expulsion from the territory of the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code - 232;
Decisions on imposing ban on entry of foreigners and stateless persons to the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Migration Code - 571; including
538 decisions on infringement of the requirements of Article 16.1.8 (When a person fails to pay a fine (including the fee calculated) as an administrative sanction without expulsion from the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan) and 33 decisions for infringement of the requirements of other Articles of the Migration Code.
- Decisions on loss of permission documents for temporary and permanent residence on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan – 52
- Decisions related with employment of foreigners and stateless persons - 50
- Decisions on violation of rules, defined by the Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, on registration and deregistration of foreigners or stateless persons, issuance of documents entitling them to stay and reside in the Republic of Azerbaijan, by the officials of institutions, authorities and organizations which receives foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan, provides them with services and recruitment and executes duties related to observance of the conditions of their stay, residence and transit in/through the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 18
During May of 2024, 7022 calls were received by the Call Center of SMS.
During May of 2024, 12975 e-applications were received for registration upon place of stay, extension of temporary staying period, issuance of permissions for temporary and permanent residence, work permits and extension of their validity.
Legal migration
- Applications on registration of foreigners and stateless persons upon place of stay in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 23847
- Applications on obtaining (extension of validity) temporary and permanent residence permits for foreigners and stateless persons on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan – 6084
- Applications on establishment of the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan-1297
Illegal migration
Number of decisions on infringement of the requirements of migration, as well as administrative legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 1598
- Decisions on not application of administrative expulsion from the territory of the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code - 849
Decisions on leaving the country by paying off the applicable penalty - 402
Decisions on legalization of residence within the territory of the country - 447
- Out of 640 - decisions on imposing ban on entry to the territory of the country for violation of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code and the Migration Code:
Decisions on imposition of the administrative fine with administrative expulsion from the territory of the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code - 197;
Decisions on imposing ban on entry of foreigners and stateless persons to the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Migration Code - 443; including
423 decisions on infringement of the requirements of Article 16.1.8 (When a person fails to pay a fine (including the fee calculated) as an administrative sanction without expulsion from the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan) and 20 decisions for infringement of the requirements of other Articles of the Migration Code.
- Decisions on loss of permission documents for temporary and permanent residence on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan – 49
- Decisions related with employment of foreigners and stateless persons - 49
- Decisions on violation of rules, defined by the Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, on registration and deregistration of foreigners or stateless persons, issuance of documents entitling them to stay and reside in the Republic of Azerbaijan, by the officials of institutions, authorities and organizations which receives foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan, provides them with services and recruitment and executes duties related to observance of the conditions of their stay, residence and transit in/through the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 1
During April of 2024, 6927 calls were received by the Call Center of SMS.
During April of 2024, 9398 e-applications were received for registration upon place of stay, extension of temporary staying period, issuance of permissions for temporary and permanent residence, work permits and extension of their validity.
Legal migration
- Applications on registration of foreigners and stateless persons upon place of stay in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 19155
- Applications on obtaining (extension of validity) temporary and permanent residence permits for foreigners and stateless persons on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan – 5963
- Applications on establishment of the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan-1147
Illegal migration
Number of decisions on infringement of the requirements of migration, as well as administrative legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 1464
- Decisions on not application of administrative expulsion from the territory of the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code - 777
Decisions on leaving the country by paying off the applicable penalty - 376
Decisions on legalization of residence within the territory of the country - 401
- Out of 574 - decisions on imposing ban on entry to the territory of the country for violation of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code and the Migration Code:
Decisions on imposition of the administrative fine with administrative expulsion from the territory of the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code - 154;
Decisions on imposing ban on entry of foreigners and stateless persons to the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Migration Code - 420; including
392decisions on infringement of the requirements of Article 16.1.8 (When a person fails to pay a fine (including the fee calculated) as an administrative sanction without expulsion from the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan) and 28 decisions for infringement of the requirements of other Articles of the Migration Code.
- Decisions on loss of permission documents for temporary and permanent residence on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan – 46
- Decisions related with employment of foreigners and stateless persons - 56
- Decisions on violation of rules, defined by the Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, on registration and deregistration of foreigners or stateless persons, issuance of documents entitling them to stay and reside in the Republic of Azerbaijan, by the officials of institutions, authorities and organizations which receives foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan, provides them with services and recruitment and executes duties related to observance of the conditions of their stay, residence and transit in/through the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 1
During February of 2024, 6268 calls were received by the Call Center of SMS.
During February of 2024, 8329 e-applications were received for registration upon place of stay, extension of temporary staying period, issuance of permissions for temporary and permanent residence, work permits and extension of their validity.
Legal migration
- Applications on registration of foreigners and stateless persons upon place of stay in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 372185
- Applications on obtaining (extension of validity) temporary and permanent residence permits for foreigners and stateless persons on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan – 82363
- Applications on establishment of the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan-15380
Illegal migration
Number of decisions on infringement of the requirements of migration, as well as administrative legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 23089
- Decisions on not application of administrative expulsion from the territory of the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code - 12158
Decisions on leaving the country by paying off the applicable penalty - 6907
Decisions on legalization of residence within the territory of the country - 5251
- Out of 9868 - decisions on imposing ban on entry to the territory of the country for violation of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code and the Migration Code:
Decisions on imposition of the administrative fine with administrative expulsion from the territory of the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code - 3145;
Decisions on imposing ban on entry of foreigners and stateless persons to the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Migration Code - 6723; including
6448 decisions on infringement of the requirements of Article 16.1.8 (When a person fails to pay a fine (including the fee calculated) as an administrative sanction without expulsion from the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan) and 275 decisions for infringement of the requirements of other Articles of the Migration Code.
- Decisions on loss of permission documents for temporary and permanent residence on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan – 551
- Decisions related with employment of foreigners and stateless persons - 404
- Decisions on violation of rules, defined by the Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, on registration and deregistration of foreigners or stateless persons, issuance of documents entitling them to stay and reside in the Republic of Azerbaijan, by the officials of institutions, authorities and organizations which receives foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan, provides them with services and recruitment and executes duties related to observance of the conditions of their stay, residence and transit in/through the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 28
During 2023, 90565 calls were received by the Call Center of SMS.
During 2023, 136090 e-applications were received for registration upon place of stay, extension of temporary staying period, issuance of permissions for temporary and permanent residence, work permits and extension of their validity.
Legal migration
- Applications on registration of foreigners and stateless persons upon place of stay in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 23224
- Applications on obtaining (extension of validity) temporary and permanent residence permits for foreigners and stateless persons on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan – 7780
- Applications on establishment of the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan-1228
Illegal migration
Number of decisions on infringement of the requirements of migration, as well as administrative legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 1842
- Decisions on not application of administrative expulsion from the territory of the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code - 969
Decisions on leaving the country by paying off the applicable penalty - 465
Decisions on legalization of residence within the territory of the country - 504
- Out of 771 - decisions on imposing ban on entry to the territory of the country for violation of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code and the Migration Code:
Decisions on imposition of the administrative fine with administrative expulsion from the territory of the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code - 207;
Decisions on imposing ban on entry of foreigners and stateless persons to the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Migration Code - 564; including
551 decisions on infringement of the requirements of Article 16.1.8 (When a person fails to pay a fine (including the fee calculated) as an administrative sanction without expulsion from the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan) and 13 decisions for infringement of the requirements of other Articles of the Migration Code.
- Decisions on loss of permission documents for temporary and permanent residence on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan – 52
- Decisions related with employment of foreigners and stateless persons - 41
- Decisions on violation of rules, defined by the Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, on registration and deregistration of foreigners or stateless persons, issuance of documents entitling them to stay and reside in the Republic of Azerbaijan, by the officials of institutions, authorities and organizations which receives foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan, provides them with services and recruitment and executes duties related to observance of the conditions of their stay, residence and transit in/through the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 8
During August of 2023, 6117 calls were received by the Call Center of SMS.
During August of 2023, 7376 e-applications were received for registration upon place of stay, extension of temporary staying period, issuance of permissions for temporary and permanent residence, work permits and extension of their validity.
Legal migration
- Applications on registration of foreigners and stateless persons upon place of stay in the Republic of Azerbaijan – 27985
- Applications on obtaining (extension of validity) temporary and permanent residence permits for foreigners and stateless persons on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan – 8579
- Applications on establishment of the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan- 1090
Illegal migration
Number of decisions on infringement of the requirements of migration, as well as administrative legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 2108
- Decisions on not application of administrative expulsion from the territory of the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code - 1058
Decisions on leaving the country by paying off the applicable penalty - 494
Decisions on legalization of residence within the territory of the country - 564
- Out of 951 - decisions on imposing ban on entry to the territory of the country for violation of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code and the Migration Code:
Decisions on imposition of the administrative fine with administrative expulsion from the territory of the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Administrative Offences Code - 291;
Decisions on imposing ban on entry of foreigners and stateless persons to the country for violating the requirements of the relevant Articles of the Migration Code - 660; including
647 decisions on infringement of the requirements of Article 16.1.8 (When a person fails to pay a fine (including the fee calculated) as an administrative sanction without expulsion from the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan) and 13 decisions for infringement of the requirements of other Articles of the Migration Code.
- Decisions on loss of permission documents for temporary and permanent residence on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan – 55
- Decisions related with employment of foreigners and stateless persons - 41
- Decisions on violation of rules, defined by the Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, on registration and deregistration of foreigners or stateless persons, issuance of documents entitling them to stay and reside in the Republic of Azerbaijan, by the officials of institutions, authorities and organizations which receives foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan, provides them with services and recruitment and executes duties related to observance of the conditions of their stay, residence and transit in/through the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 3
During August of 2023, 9160 calls were received by the Call Center of SMS.
During August of 2023, 6916 e-applications were received for registration upon place of stay, extension of temporary staying period, issuance of permissions for temporary and permanent residence, work permits and extension of their validity.