TAIEX is the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange institutional instrument governed by Institutional Building Section of General Directorate on Enlargement of European Commission.

State Migration Service implemented several projects in the framework of TAIEX assistance instrument. So as, projects named “Acquaintance with asylum procedures in Romania” and “Tools and standards for ensuring quality in asylum procedure” were implemented in the frame of TAIEX in 2012. The official visits of the Service employees, as well as the experts of relevant agency of Romania realized within the projects. The purposes of the projects were acquaintance with investigation process of asylum applications, interview methods, information exchange regarding asylum procedure in state border, European policy in the field of asylum, information portals about countries of origin, general obligations on identification of facts information standards about country of origin.

Besides, in the framework of TAIEX technical assistance instrument of European Union employees of the State Migration Service participated in study visits on the theme  “Exchange of practices in the field of asylum (asylum procedure, terms of admission, notification about abuse of asylum system)” in August 27-31, 2012, as well as “Readmission” in November 12-14, 2012.

The study visit on “Integration of persons who obtained refugee status to local condition and study of naturalization issues of refugees as a durable solution” was organized to Lisbon city of the Republic of Portugal in 2015. The goal of the study visit was acquaintance with integration to society of people whom refugee status in European Union (EU) Member States were granted, learning the practices relating with their adoption to the citizenship of the country where they permanently lived in next stages, as well as legislative acts and EU Directives in this field.

Beside this, “Acquaintance with electronic databases in the field of migration in EU Member State” TAIEX project was also implemented in the year of 2015. In the frame of abovementioned project study visit was organized to Bucharest city of Romania with the purpose of acquaintance with electronic database regarding migrants, collection process of biometric data, as well as relevant legislative acts and EU Directives in this field.

Moreover, study visit to Brussels city was organized in April 25-27, 2016 in the framework of TAIEX project named “Acquaintance with detention centers for illegal migrants and their alternative detention centers in EU Member States”. The purpose in the project was acquaintance with the practice of EU Member States on detention centers for illegal migrants and their alternative organization, legislative acts and available procedures in this field.

The seminar was organized on April 6-7, 2017 in Baku on “Applied legislation for detection procedures on marriages of convenience and eradication of these cases in European Union Members States”, up to 60 representatives from different government, non-government agencies attended the event.

An expert mission on “Risk analysis on illegal migration” with the participation of experts from the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX) and the Republic of Slovenia was organized at the State Migration Service on October 01-03, 2019. Within the framework of the mission detailed information on best practices of the European Union on topics such as risk sources, role of risk analysis reports in migration management, their development procedure and methodology, as well as push and pull factors of the illegal migration was shared with the representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Border Service, the State Security Service and the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations along with the State Migration Service, as well.

Furthermore, a new TAIEX application form submitted by the State Migration Service towards organization of “TAIEX Workshop on treatment of vulnerable groups and migrants at detention facilities, including rights and obligations” in our country was accepted by the European Union and organized on November 13-14, 2019.

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