
The meeting held with the US Charge d'Affaires in Azerbaijan at the State Migration Service

Chief of the State Migration Service, II rank migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev held a meeting with William Gil, US Charge d'Affaires in the Republic of Azerbaijan, acting ambassador.

During the meeting, noting friendly and efficient cooperation between our countries, the chief of the Service stressed that these ties cover various spheres and the meetings held are a manifestation of mutual interest in the development of our cooperation.

F. Nabiyev noted that Great Leader Heydar Aliyev immediately reacting to the tragedy of September 11, sharply condemned the terrorist attacks, declaring that Azerbaijan is next to the United States. In parallel, our country became one of the first members of the anti-terrorist coalition and made a great contribution to the effective work of the aforementioned coalition. This fact is still widely appreciated today on a global scale. The chief of the Service noted that US support to Azerbaijan by a number of transnational projects is a good example of high-level relations between the two countries.

The chief of the Service spoke about the crisis that Azerbaijan faced in the late 80s and early 90s of the last century due to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict that arose as a result of Armenia's aggression against our country. The chief of the Service noted that the Azerbaijani government almost coped alone with the solution of the social problems of refugees and internally displaced persons. F.Nabiyev once again brought to the attention of the temporary charge d'affaires of the US, one of the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group, the main problem of refugees and IDPs - the issue of their inability to return to their native lands as a result of the non-resolution of the conflict due to Armenia's unconstructive position.

During the meeting, a useful exchange of views took place regarding the migration flows in the world, the regulation of migration processes, the fight against illegal migration and other topics, and showed interest in the activities carried out in Azerbaijan in the field of migration management.

Afterward,  the chief of the Service spoke about the migration legislation of Azerbaijan, activity directions of the State Migration Service, which implements competencies of the unified state authority on “one-stop-shop” principle in the management of migration processes, and about the Unified Migration Information System.

The chief of the Service noted with concrete facts the events carried out today in the country as a result of the attention and care of President Ilham Aliyev to ensure convenience of foreigners and stateless persons and the achievements gained by the State Migration Service. F.Nabiyev touched upon the importance of cooperation with international organizations and relevant structures of foreign countries.

Possible prospects for cooperation between the two countries in the field of managing migration processes were analyzed, the importance of the exchange of experience and information was emphasized.

The issues of interest to the diplomat were discussed related to the US citizens residing in Azerbaijan.

At the meeting, a wide exchange of views took place on other issues of mutual interest in the field of migration.

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