
Meeting dedicated to the results of the first quarter of 2017 held at the State Migration Service

On April 15, a meeting dedicated to the results of the first quarter of 2017 was held at the State Migration Service.

Chief of the State Migration Service, II rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev delivered reporting speech at the meeting held with the participation of heads of structural units and subordinating bodies of the Service. Chief of the Service spoke about the achievements of the past year gained under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Commander-in-chief of Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev in accordance with development strategy founded by Great Leader Heydar Aliyev. F. Nabiyev noted that despite the global economic crisis, in general, the first quarter of 2017 has been successful for the Republic in terms of strong socio-political stability formed through economic development. At the reporting meeting, works implemented by the State Migration Service in order to host a number of international events by Azerbaijan at high level,  to organize free entry and exit of foreigners and stateless persons coming to our republic regarding IV Islamic Solidarity Games, as well as Formula 1 Grand-Prix of Azerbaijan to be held in May this year and other grandiose projects, to promptly solve the issues related to migration were emphasized and tasks set forth before the Service were analyzed. 

Chief of the Service touched on the activities implemented towards the improvement of migration legislation in terms of ensuring convenience for foreigners and stateless persons.

It was noted that achievements obtained in social, economic, political, cultural, in a word, in all areas from year to year further increases the power of Azerbaijan. Indeed, on the basis of this success stands successfully carried out a deliberate state policy.

Migrants often choose to live in economically highly developed countries. The works realized for the development of the tourism sector, application of "ASAN visa" system and stability has sufficiently increased the number of foreigners visiting Azerbaijan. Thus, it was revealed via the Unified Migration Information System that during the first quarter of 2017, 399.429 foreigner and stateless person made 557.628 entries to and 398.295 foreigner and stateless person made 146.920 exits from the territory of the country. During the first quarter, in accordance with the periods of stay in the country, 146.920 foreigner and stateless person had applied for registration upon a place of stay.

During the reporting period,  22.164 applications on obtaining stay and residence permits on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, granting work permits for carrying out paid labor activity, determination of refugee status, adoption, revocation and restoration of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as determination of citizenship were received by the State Migration Service. Each application was investigated in accordance with the requirements of legislation and relevant decisions were made.

F. Nabiyev noted that achievements gained by the Service have been possible only with the care and attention of the President Ilham Aliyev.  

The chief of the Service reminded the concrete instructions given by the President Ilham Aliyev during the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers dedicated to the results of the first quarter of 2017 and objectives for the future. F.Nabiyev stated that for the fulfillment of the goals set forth on time with high professionalism, every migration employee shall organize his/her activities on the seriously disciplined environment, comply with the requirements of the day and justify the confidence of the Head of State.

Afterward, the heads of structural units delivered their reports.                                                

Summing up the conference Chief of the Service expressed his assurance that the State Migration Service which implements competencies of the unified state authority on “one-stop-shop” principle will continue to fulfill duties and tasks such as ensuring satisfaction of applicants, contributing to maintenance of state security and protection of internal labor market, as well as to development of state economy.

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