
Chief the State Migration Service is on official visit in Austria

Possibilities of cooperation in migration sphere between two countries were discussed at the meetings with the heads of Asylum, Migration, Citizenship, Civil Status and Human Rights General Directorate, Police, Civil Defense and Crisis Management General Directorate, Federal Office on Immigration and Asylum, as well as Dublin and International Relations Department of the Federal Ministry of Interior of Austria within the framework of the visit of the Chief of the State Migration Service (SMS) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, II rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev to Vienna.

At the meetings, F. Nabiyev gave broad information on friendly relations between Azerbaijan and Austria. Service Chief talked about achievements attained as a result of high level provision of socio-economic progress, stability and security in our republic under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev. He touched upon transition of our republic from the country of origin into the country of transit and destination in terms of migration on the account of the mentioned factors. He stated that establishment of special state entity implementing unified state policy in Azerbaijan 10 years ago, as a result of precise forecasting of the ongoing global and regional processes, emerged as an objective necessity and State Migration Service was established as a central executive body. The Service undertakes complex measures on registration of foreigners and stateless persons upon place of stay, extension of temporary staying period, issuance of permits for temporary and permanent residence in the country, issuance of work permits to carry out paid labour activity and extension of the existing ones, adoption, restoration and revocation of citizenship, establishment of citizenship and determination of refugee status, as well as prevention of illegal migration. “One-stop-shop” principle has been enforced in migration processes management of the country since July 1, 2009 and competences of the unified state agency upon this principle has been entrusted to State Migration Service.

Service chief emphasized that during the past period a number of serious steps have been taken by the state for improvement of migration management mechanism in Azerbaijan, legislation and its application for the purpose of management and regulation of migration processes. F. Nabiyev added that in the background of globalization ongoing in the world Azerbaijan carries out active migration policy in order to influence regional migration processes, to keep under control the migration flows on the territory of the country and to manage and regulate domestic migration processes in compliance with national legislation. Speaking about progressive migration legislation of our republic Service Chief gave information on facilitation of application of relevant norms envisaged by the Migration Code which was first adopted in Azerbaijan. He stated that all of these are example of the humanist nature of Azerbaijani state. Service chief told that work permit is not required for the persons who have filed application for refugee status and who have obtained refugee status in order to carry out paid labour activity. Moreover, persons who have filed application for refugee status and who have obtained refugee status are voluntarily placed in Detention Centers for Illegal Migrants of the Service which meets modern standards.

Service chief dealt with the significance attached to multicultural values in our country and drew attention to the fact that no violation was recorded on national, ethnic and religious ground in relation to migrants so far.

F.Nabiyev told that Unified Migration Information System allows to keep stay, residence, work, etc. issues related to foreigners from the moment they enter the country.

Service chief mentioned that Azerbaijan faced with the flow of more than one million refugees and IDPs at the end of 80’s and the beginning of 90’s of the last century as a result of aggressive policy of Armenia. He stated that the aggression continues up today and talked about measures taken by the government of Azerbaijan for the solution of the problems of those persons who lead their life as refugee and IDPs.

Comprehensive exchange of opinion was carried out on migration issues and other topics of mutual interest at the meetings. 

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