
  Awareness raising event held in the field of migration legislation  


Representatives from city, settlement and village administrative territorial units, citizens, foreigners and stateless persons participated in the event on “Elimination of statelessness and measures taken in this sphere in recent years” held in Tovuz district which is included in the service area of Ganja Regional Migration Department with the purpose of raising awareness of the public in the field of migration legislation.

Guided with principles of application of innovative methods and ensuring transparency in management as well as regulation of migration processes, State Migration Service continues   ensuring observation of the rules of stay and residence in the country by each foreigner and stateless person visiting our republic, as well as eradication of statelessness. Those ideas were expressed on the topic by the responsible employee of the Service. It was noted that measures taken in the direction of eradication of statelessness, identification and documentation of the stateless persons who settled in various regions of our country by State Migration Service whose participation in the citizenship issues was ensured in accordance with the Decree of President of Azerbaijan dated from March 06, 2008, are yielding results. Thus, 1682 persons have acquired and restored citizenship of Azerbaijan since 2008 with the relevant Orders of Azerbaijani President. Besides, affiliation of more than 62 thousand persons to the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan was recognized and they have been provided with identity documents confirming identity of the country citizen by the relevant state authority.

Later on broad information on services rendered by State Migration Service in relation with foreigners and stateless persons was given, as well as amendments made in migration legislation were interpreted. It was noted that as for the amendments dated from May 30, 2014 Article 10 of the Law “On Citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan” indicates that in case citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan possesses dual citizenship, person’s citizenship of a foreign state is not recognized except for the cases envisaged by the international agreements of the Republic of Azerbaijan or resolved in compliance with Item 32 of Article 109 of the Constitution. Citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan who acquired citizenship of a foreign state should give written information within one month to State Migration Service if they are in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs via diplomatic representations or consular departments if they are abroad. Otherwise those citizens will be punished with the fine from 3 thousands manats up to 5 thousands manats or public work from 360 hours up to 480 hours according to Article 318-2 of the Criminal Code.

Question interesting the participants was answered by the responsible employees of the Service.


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