
Issues related with eradication of statelessness discussed in Aghdash and Ujar districts  

Information about grounds defined in the “Rules for establishment of the person’s affiliation to the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan” approved with the Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers No.84 dated from March 18, 2015 was delivered at the awareness raising events on “Elimination of statelessness” conducted in Aghdash and Ujar districts which are included to service area of Yevlakh Regional Migration Department with the participation of representatives of city, settlement and village administrative territorial units, citizens, foreigners and stateless persons.

Information related with acquisition of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan was also presented at the events. It was brought into attention that according to the Law “On the Citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan” a foreigner or stateless person who lives uninterruptedly for the last 5 years in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan on legal bases, has legal source of income, undertakes obligation on observing Constitution and laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as submits a document certifying his/her knowledge of the state language of the Republic of Azerbaijan may be admitted to the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan upon his/her own application according to the legislation regardless of his/her origin, race and nationality, gender, educational background, religion, political and other convictions.

Moreover, foreigners and stateless persons can be admitted to the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan regardless of the indicated terms in cases he/she possesses high achievements in the sphere of science, technology, culture or sports; or the person is of a special interest for the Republic of Azerbaijan and other exceptional cases, as well as in case the person has special services before our country.

Besides that the person, who has been citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan previously or whose citizenship has been terminated, may restore his/her citizenship through his (her) application.

Information about the grounds for the loss of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan was delivered in the events as well. It was mentioned that Azerbaijani citizen’s voluntary acquisition of citizenship of another state, voluntary service in state or municipal bodies, armed forces or other military units of a foreign state, behavior causing serious damage to the state security, involvement in terrorist actions or committing acts for forcible change of constitutional structure of the Republic of Azerbaijan, participation in religious extremism activities, as well as, dissemination of religious sects acting on the base of religious hostility, or involvement in military conflicts in foreign countries under the cover of implementing religious rites, or involving other person in that conflict, or establishment of a stable group for this purpose, or partaking in military trainings under the name of getting religious education and intentional falsification of necessary information or submission of false documents by a person who acquired a citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan for obtaining a citizenship are considered as grounds for the loss of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan.  

Issues regarding the loss of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan are solved by taking into account the limitations stipulated in part 2 and 3 of Article 17 of the Law “On the Citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan”.

At the end of the event questions interesting participants were replied to.


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