
  Delegation of State Migration Service took part in the 3rd Ministerial Conference in the framework of Prague Process  


The delegation headed by Deputy Chief of the State Migration Service, III rank state migration service counselor Mr. Parviz Musayev participated in the 3rd Ministerial Conference held from September 18 to 21 in Bratislava, the Republic of Slovakia in the framework of Prague Process.

The purpose in conducting the Conference was to summarize outcomes of Prague Process activities in the past period, as well as to discuss existing challenges and possible future projects.

Deputy Chief of the State Migration Service, Mr. Parviz Musayev delivered a speech at the event and mentioned that migration and its management has become a pressing issue in the period when economic and political ties are strengthened between world countries, as well as scope of peoples’ movement is increased among the countries which play an important role in the development dynamics of global economy.  He stressed that today good governance of migration processes and realization of relevant migration policy for regulation of these processes in compliance with economic interests of the country is of great significance.

Since the 80th of the last century the Republic of Azerbaijan faced with mass migration flow, ten thousands of people have been displaced from their native land and as a result of this around 1 million refugees and IDPs have been settled in the territory of the country.         

Furthermore, rapid social and economic development observed in the Republic of Azerbaijan in recent years, measures taken in the sphere of protection of rights and freedoms of migrants, political stability in our country, as well as geopolitical position of our country caused increase in the number of people migrating to Azerbaijan from various corners of the world. It was also worded that high level tolerance in our country should be noted as a factor affecting migration processes.

It was noted that in order to keep precise record of foreigners and stateless persons residing, working and temporary staying in the Republic of Azerbaijan, to provide the state agencies participating in migration processes management with necessary information, to automate measures on documentation, monitoring, query and analysis and to improve electron services in this sphere Unified Migration Information System (UMIS) has been established under State Migration Service. UMIS allows to have full picture of dynamics of migration processes occurring in the country and creates favorable condition for taking relevant measures in the sphere fight against illegal migration and ensuring security. 

Furthermore, the Republic of Azerbaijan has acceded to UNHCR campaign “To end statelessness in 10 years” in order to increase awareness in the sphere of fight against statelessness and to eliminate problems arising during determination of legal status of such persons, as well as strengthening cooperation for efficient protection of their rights. Concrete works have been done for eradication of statelessness.

It was emphasized that for the purpose of effective protection of migrants’ rights, prevention of illegal migration, management and forecasting of migration processes the Republic of Azerbaijan gives special importance to international cooperation in the field of application and study of best practices. 

It was brought into attention that with particular attention to the cooperation within the Prague Process our country, since the very first day, has actively participated in the activities within the mentioned process.

Talking about the Azerbaijan’s practice in resolving existing problems in migration processes, Deputy Chief of the Service, emphasized that our republic will expand existing high level and efficient cooperation within Prague Process as one of the leading regional consultative processes and mobilize all its power and capacity for effective fulfillment of responsibilities on protection of migrants’ rights. High level representatives from migration bodies of 50 countries in total, European Union Member States including Eastern Partnership countries, as well as, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, International Centre for Migration Policy Development, International Organization of Migration, European Commission, European External Action Service, Council of European Union and FRONTEX attended the Conference.

Through the Conference pressing migration challenges were discussed, infeasibility of developing efficient measures on global migration by different states separately was pointed out, and significance of joint approach to existing migration challenges like as border management, asylum, return and illegal migration was underlined. The positive role of the Prague Process in the efficient migration management and the success of the implemented to this day initiatives was brought into attention, as well as future migration challenges and emigration pressures were expressed as a key reason for prolonging the Prague Process Action Plan for next 5 years.

The Ministerial Conference concluded with the adoption of the Joint Declaration. The signed Declaration gave a mandate to the Prague Process for continuing joint cooperation for the years 2017-2021. 


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