
Awareness raising events were held in Jalilabad and Bilasuvar  

Officials of the Service Headquarter and Lankaran regional migration department made a speech at awareness raising events organized in regard to novelties in migration sphere and amendments to the legislation.

At the meetings were delivered information about the activity directions of State Migration Service implementing the competence of unified authority upon “one-stop-shop” principle on regulating migration processes since July 1, 2009. 

It was noted that key measures in the field of both legislation and its application are being realized in the field of migration by President Ilham Aliyev as in other areas for the purpose of improving migration management mechanism, managing and regulating migration processes.

State Migration Service successfully continues to execute all assigned duties.

The entity has gained concrete results in the sphere of legalization of stateless persons, as well as combatting with statelessness in our republic in the direction of requirements of conventions that The Republic of Azerbaijan is a party to. Thus, 1682 persons acquired and restored Azerbaijani citizenship in accordance with relevant Orders of the President of Azerbaijan since 2008 until now. Furthermore, within this period 61 473 persons’ affiliation to the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan was established and they were provided with identification documents of the citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan by relevant state authority.

It was mentioned that the works done by SMS towards identification and documentation of persons with unknown legal status and persons illegally residing in territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan are ongoing.

It was brought into attention that prevention of negative effects of unregulated migration processes is a quite serious issue. It is because; migration policy is one of the factors having direct impact on state security. State Migration Service takes relevant measures in this direction as well with great success based on principles of respect to human rights and liberties, rule of law and humanity.

It was indicated as an example that, just during August of this year 95985 applications for registration upon place of stay were received by State Migration Service. 3478 cases concerning infringement of requirements of administrative legislation by foreigners and stateless persons without observing rules of stay, temporary and permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan have been revealed. Lost documents of 22 foreigners for temporary or permanent residence were replaced with new ones. 255 of them were fined and their residence in the country was legalized. Decisions were made on 2373 foreigners to leave the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 48 hours and on 828 foreigners to be removed in administrative order from the country.

Foreigners and stateless persons were once again enlightened on the application guidelines for the registration upon place of stay and administrative liability of foreign citizen for not residing in the address where he/she got registered in.     

Representatives of city, settlement and village administrative territorial units of the district, municipality and education centers were asked to provide assistance for the organization of application of foreign pupils who do not possess documents for temporary and permanent residence to State Migration Service regarding appropriate documentation issues.

At the end questions interested the participants were answered.


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