
The State Migration Service held “Open Door day” – a civil forum in Gakh

On December 4 the State Migration Service held “Open Doorday” – regional civil forum for citizens and media representatives in Gakh which falls within the scope of Shaki Regional Migration Department in accordance with “National Action Plan for promotion of Open Government in 2012-2015” approved by the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated from September 5, 2012.Citizens, foreigners and stateless persons, representatives of relevant state authorities, public organizations, employers and entrepreneurs participated in the forum at which measures taken by the Service on elimination of statelessness, citizenship establishment process, registration upon place of stay of foreigners and stateless persons who want to stay in the country more than 10 days, issuance of temporary and permanent residence permits, rules of use of foreign labor force, fight against illegal migration werebroadly discussed.

Authorized representative of the Service who delivered a speech at the event stated that participation of State Migration Service in citizenship issues was ensured in accordance with Decree of the President of Azerbaijan dated from March 6, 2008 and since that period the Service started to examine applications received from individuals and various organizations regarding acquisition, restoration, revocation, as well as establishment of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Moreover, relevant measures are regularly taken by State Migration Service towards elimination of statelessness cases, detection and documentation of stateless persons who settled in different regions of our country. As a result of taken measures 1033 stateless persons have been admitted to our country’s citizenship in accordance with relevant Orders of the President of Azerbaijan during the years 2008-2015. However, during this period application of 32016 persons to the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan has been recognized and they were provided with identity documents of the citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan by relevant state authorities. 

Measures taken by our state in the field of elimination of statelessness and fight against reasons that create these cases were appreciated as a result of purposeful and humanitarian policy of our country by participants of forum.

The representative of SMS who answered the question of participant of the meeting on dual citizenship stressed that in Article 10 of the Law on “Citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan” concrete approach was reflected on issue of dual citizenship. In Article 10 of the Law it is shown that in case of possession of dual citizenship by the Republic of Azerbaijan (beside the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan, to be the citizen of the other country/countries) his/her citizenship of foreign state is not recognized except those which are solved the cases envisaged by international agreements of the Republic of Azerbaijan or according to paragraph 32 of the Article 109 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

At the “Open door day” detailed information was given about works done towards enhancement of migration legislation. It was stated that the interest of foreign countries to Migration Code firstly adopted in our country is quite big and several states started to learn practice of our country in this field. According to provisions reflected in the Code examination knowledge on rights and duties, as well as official language of foreigners and stateless persons who want to get permanent residence permit in our republic has a great importance in terms of their integration to our society.

Service employee made a presentation on comprehensive measures in order to implement and develop strategy of information-communication technologies, prepare new report subsystem software, create information systems, as well as reception of electronapplications of citizens, as well as foreigners and stateless persons.Generally, rules of using 11 e-services rendered by the agency 10 of which are connected to e-government portals were clearly explained and questions related to this issue were responded. It was stated thatcomplete control over the date of entry of every foreigner or stateless person to the country, their residence and work place, as well as date of exit from the country is conducted via Unified Migration Information System (UMIS) of State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan, activity of which is provided in accordance with the Decree of the President of Azerbaijan dated from February 6, 2009, and this enables to create a full picture of dynamics of the migration processes occurring in the country.

At the event it was brought into attention that as a result of state care the activity of 8 regional migration departments was fully provided in order to expand services to foreigners and stateless persons and ensure satisfaction of applicants.

At the end of the meeting questions given by participants were answered and opinion exchange was conducted.


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