
The State Migration Service held “Open Door” day – a civil forum in Gazakh district

“Open Door” day – a civil forum is held by State Migration Service in accordance with “National Action Plan for promotion of Open Government in 2012-2015”. 

On November 18, at “Open Door” day held in Gazakh district which falls within the scope of Ganja regional migration department information was given about fully provision of activity of 8 regional migration departments in order to expand services of State Migration Service to foreigners and stateless persons at all regions of the country and ensure satisfaction of applicants.

SMS, surrounded by care and attention of President Ilham Aliyev, has extended measures towards regulating migration processes on the base of unified and flexible procedures, facilitating documentation,ensuring comfort of foreigners and stateless persons, improving effectiveness in the field of protection of their rights.

Foreigners and stateless persons can leave and return to the country without obtaining any visa by presenting temporary or permanent residence cards and valid passports since July 1, 2009 application of “one-stop-shop” principle in management of migration processes.

At the forum it was brought to attention that previous legislation did notallow foreigners to extend period of their temporary residence permit, as well as work permit in order to carry out paid labor activity in our country more than four times, but this restriction has been abolished with current legislation. At the same time, work permit is not required for foreigners and stateless personswho are married with the citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan, submitted application for obtaining refugee status, obtained refugee status or granted political asylum, as well as have in their custody citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan who are under the age of 18 or I group disabled persons.

At the “Open door” day it was also mentioned that granting temporary and permanent residence permits in the territory of the republic to foreigners and stateless persons who carries of virus of infectious disease and married with the citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan have been reflected in the Migration Code as an exceptional case.

One of the novelties is determination of two times lower state fee for issuing and extending period of temporary residence permission card for foreigners and stateless persons under the age of 18 in comparison with adults. For instance, 15 manat is required for foreigner or stateless person under the age of 18, while30 manat is paid by adult foreigner in order to get temporary residence permit.

It was brought to attention of “Open door” dayparticipants that several types of services are rendered at ASAN service centers by the State Migration Service. Thus, applications on granting temporary or permanent residence permits to foreigners and stateless persons, as well as work permits in order to carry out paid labor activity in our country are received.

It was stated that today complete control over the date of entry of every foreigner or stateless person to the country, their residence and work place, as well as date of exit from the country is conducted via Unified Migration Information System of the State Migration Service.

It was noted that in accordance with staying period in the country during the 10 months of this year 589.454 persons were registered upon the place of stay, 22.886cases of infringement of requirements of administrative legislation by foreigners and stateless persons were revealed for not observing rules of stay, temporary and permanent residence, as well as residence with invalid documents in the territory of the country.

Comprehensive information was given about measures taken by SMS regarding with reduction of statelessness. It was mentioned that relevant works arebeing continued in all regions of the country by the Service in order to eliminate statelessness in a short period of time.

Information on work done regarding with the implementation of “Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Azerbaijan on the readmission of persons residing without authorization” was given at the forum.

On “Open door” day rules of using electronic services were clearly explained. The connection of 10 e-services out of 11 rendered by the SMS to e-government portals was emphasized.

At the end questions which interested participants were answered.


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