
  State Migration Service successfully completed 9 months of the year of 2015



A meeting dedicated to the results of 9 months of 2015 was held at the State Migration Service on October 17.

Chief of the State Migration Service, II rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev made a speech with report at the meeting held with the participation of heads of structural units and subordinating bodies of the Service.He drew attention to the achievements in the country attained under the leadership of Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces, in accordance with the development strategy founded by National Leader Heydar Aliyev.It was stated that in general 9 months of 2015 were successful for our republic in terms of steady socio-political stability which is formed on economic growth, increase of influence of Azerbaijan in international community, expansion of relations with foreign countries.The measures taken by the State Migration Service on high level organization of Baku 2015 I European Games by Azerbaijan and facilitated entry to and exit from the country of foreigners and stateless persons traveling to our country related with this grandiose event, as well as flexible resolution of issues on migration were mentioned.

Service chief emphasized the activity implemented towards improvement of migration legislation in terms of ensuring convenience of foreigners and stateless persons.

The authority related to determination of citizenship given to Service which also participates on resolution of citizenship issues and measures taken in this field were noted. It was mentioned that well-based action plan on elimination of statelessness in our countrywas prepared.

International relations ofthe Service were thoroughly analyzed at the meeting. The Director General of the International Organization for Migration Mr. William Lacy Swing who launched his visit to South Caucasus from Azerbaijan named the works implemented in our country on migration field, generally as the best example for migration management. This case was brought to attention as success of our country.

It was mentioned that during the reporting period 541.047 person were registered upon place of stay relevant to their staying period in Azerbaijan, which has turned into a country of transit and destination from country of origin in terms of migration in recent years. 

76.553 applications on extension of temporary staying period in the country, granting temporary and permanent residence permits, adoption, revocation and restoration of citizenship, as well as determination of citizenship and refugee status, issuing work permits for carrying out labor activity and extending validity period of existing work permits were received from foreigners and stateless persons by the Service.Each application was investigated in accordance with the requirements of legislation and relevant decisions were made.

During the 9 months of this year 20.589 cases of infringement of requirements of administrative legislation by foreigners and stateless persons were revealed for not observing rules of stay, temporary and permanent residence, as well as residence with invalid documents in the territory of the country.As a body implementing state control over observation of rules which regulate the use of foreign labor force, 168 inspections were carried out in entrepreneurial subjects, administrative violations were revealed in 123 and relevant measures were taken in accordance with legislation.

F.Nabiyev stated that as in previous years, several efficient measures have been taken during the 9 months of 2015 towards correct organization of staff management and assessment of their activities. Labor of 222 employees was distinguished.

Service chief F.Nabiyev mentioned that at the conference of the Cabinet of Ministers dedicated to the results of socio-economic development of the 9 months of 2015 and duties put forward, President Ilham Aliyev gave concrete instructions for ensuring socio-economic development of our republic. By stating that every migration employee must organize his/her activities on serious disciplined environment and according to the demands of the age in order to timely and professionally fulfilling duties put forward, F. Nabiyev expressed his assurance that as a result of care and attention of the President Ilham Aliyev State Migration Service which implements duties of single state agency on “single window” principle will continue to fulfill duties and tasks such as ensuring satisfaction of applicants, contribution to development of economy of the country, protection of security of our state and internal labor market with great professionalismas an effective and mobile entity which reflects management, regulation principles related to migration.

Later reports of the heads of structural units were listened.


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