Delegation of the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan participated in the 17th meeting of the Council of Heads of Migration Bodies of CIS Participating States


On April 13-16, the delegation headed by Deputy chief of the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan, III rank state migration service counselor Parviz Musayev had an official visit to the Moscow with the purpose to participate in the round table on “Contemporary tendencies of XXI century: cooperation in migration sphere” and 17th meeting of the Council of Heads of Migration Bodies of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Participating States.

At the round table on April 14, 2015 jointly organized by Federal Migration Service of Russian Federation and The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA) on “Contemporary tendencies of XXI century: cooperation in migration sphere” in which heads of migration bodies of the CIS participating states, plenipotentiaries of international organizations and independent experts participated, the report of the head of Azerbaijan delegation named “International cooperation on regulation of migration processes in the Republic of Azerbaijan” was listened.

Within the meeting of Council of Heads of Migration Bodies decisions were taken on “Progress on drafting model agreements in migration sphere”, “Migration condition in CIS Participating States”, “Formation of unified approach in preparation methodology of population’s migration record, by taking into account identification and classification of migrants in CIS Participating States, as well as necessity of inter-state comparison, including measuring tools, collecting and processing information”, “Progress on drafting bilateral agreements on realization of general principles and mechanisms of involving labor migrants in an organized manner for carrying out labor activity in CIS Participating States”, “Establishment of common base for invalid documents of CIS Participating States’ citizens, as well as drafting Regulation of abovementioned common base”, “Draft Agreement on cooperation in applying electronic card of labor migrants in the territory of CIS Participating States”, “Best practices of Russian Federation in the field of granting asylum”, “Progress on establishment of unified record system of third-country citizens and stateless persons who enter to the territory of CIS Participating States”, “Best practices of the Republic of Azerbaijan on solving the problems of refugees and internally displaced persons”, “The results of expert consultations in accordance with draft Agreement on general approach to the integration of long-term migrants from CIS Participating States”, “The results of implementation of cooperation Program of CIS Participating States on the prevention of illegal migration in 2012-2014”, “Best practices of the Republic of Tajikistan on raising awareness of labor migrants with the purpose of increasing legal cultures of migrants for carrying out labor activity before they get to the receiving country, formation of ability to respect the legislation, language and culture of the country that they will live”, “Application of qualification course on “National and international protection of refugees” within the basis of International Education Center according to training of staff, raising the qualification and retraining the personnelof Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus in the field of migration and human trafficking”, “Cooperation situation with international organizations in migration field”, “Draft agenda, date and place of 18th meeting of the Council of Heads of Migration Bodies of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Participating States”.

It should be noted that Azerbaijan acceded all other decisions except decisions on“Progress on drafting model agreements in migration sphere”, “Formation of unified approach in preparation methodology of population’s migration record, by taking into account identification and classification of migrants in CIS Participating States, as well as necessity of inter-state comparison, including measuring tools, collecting and processing information”, “Establishment of common base for invalid documents of CIS Participating States’ citizens, as well as drafting Regulation of abovementioned common base”, “Draft Agreement on cooperation in applying electronic card of labor migrants in the territory of CIS Participating States” and “Progress on establishment of unified record system of third-country citizens and stateless persons who enter to the territory of CIS Participating States”.

Decision on “Progress on drafting bilateral agreements on realization of general principles and mechanisms of involving labor migrants in an organized manner for carrying out labor activity in CIS Participating States” was signed by taking into consideration special reviews of country governance.

Head of the delegation draw attention of participants to expulsion of 250 thousand Azerbaijanis from their motherland as a result of ethnic cleansing by Armenia on a regular basis in the end of 80’s and beginning of 90’s, occupation of 20 percent of the territory of Azerbaijan – Nagorno-Karabakh and 7 adjacent districts by Armenian armed forces and up to 700 thousand persons, including those who left their settlements hazardous for life in the districts border with Republic of Armenia, statistics on number of Azerbaijanis killed, injured, disabled as a result of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Armenia-Azerbaijan, unfulfilled requirements of 4 resolutions of UN Security Council in 1993 on political solution of conflict, liberation of occupied territories, return of refugees and displaced persons to their homeland, as well as to measures taken for the solution of problems of persons obtained refugee status in our country which were included in the report “” that was put into agenda with the suggestion of Azerbaijani side.

Head of the delegation brought information on 250 thousand of Azerbaijani forced from their motherland as a result of ethnic cleansing regularly implemented by Armenia in the end of 80s and beginning of 90s, 20 percent of the territory of Azerbaijan – Nagorno-Karabakh and 7 adjacent districts were occupied by Armenian armed forces and nearly 700 thousand, as well as citizens who left their settlement hazardous for life from the districts border with Armenian Republic become IDP, the number of Azerbaijani killed, injured, disabled as a result of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Armenia-Azerbaijan, the requirements of 4 resolution of UN Security Council in 1993 on political solution of conflict, liberating of occupied territories, returning of refugees and displaced persons to their homeland haven’t been implemented yet, simultaneously taken measures according to problems of IDPs and persons gained refugee status in our country  to the attention of participants in the report called “Best practices of the Republic of Azerbaijan on settlement of the refugees’ and IDPs’ problems” which is included to the agenda of  meeting by the suggestion of Azerbaijan side.

No objection made to the facts mentioned in the report by the members of Council, instead representative of Armenian Republic signed the decision made according to abovementioned report.

It is planned to hold the next - 18th meeting of the Council of Heads of Migration Bodies of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Participating States in the city of Saint Petersburg of Russian Federation in the autumn of 2015.

The discussionson “Draft of Agreement on cooperation in migration sphere between Federal Migration Service of Russian Federation and State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan” conducted, facilitating procedure and signing of the project by the end of the year was agreed.

As well as, the list of Azerbaijan citizens who applied to the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan and assumed that justified restriction was put on their entrance to the Russian Federation introduced to the opposite side and giving information about the results of decisions in accordance with appeals was agreed.


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