Conference on 18 December - International Migrants Day

Firstly, participants of the conference which was organized by the State Migration Service looked at the exhibition dedicated to the significant day. 

Delivering a speech at the event Deputy chief of the State Migration Service, Parviz Musayev stated that migration processes in the world, protection of the rights and freedoms of migrant workers are one of the pressing issues. Adoption of International Convention on “Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Family Members” with the Order of the UN General Assembly on December 18, 1990 was pointed out. It was mentioned that it has begun to celebrate International Migrants Day every year in the world since December 18, 2000. 

Stating that Azerbaijan faces with migration flows since restoration of its independence P.Musayev also mentioned the forced displacement of more than 250,000 Azerbaijanis from Armenia for their nationality. As a result of occupation of more than 20 percent territory of Azerbaijan Republic by armed forces of Armenia, more than one million compatriots being withdrawn from their ancestral lands have become refugees and internally displaced persons, overall. He stated that as result of rapid development in the country after returning of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev to political power in Azerbaijan and achievements attained in all fields by guidance of the President Ilham Aliyev, our republic has become an attractive place for foreigners. P.Musayev specially emphasized that Migration Code has been adopted in Azerbaijan, legislative base in this field has been improved and the procedures have been facilitated.

Acting chief of International Organization for Migration Mission in Azerbaijan, Serhan Aktoprak valued the work done in migration sphere in our country and expressed his congratulations for the special day. Emphasizing satisfaction of migrants arriving in Azerbaijan for hospitality of our state and people S.Aktoprak stated that foreigners suffer and encounter problems in some countriesin the world. However, there is not such kind of problem in Azerbaijan. It is one of the important points that favours Azerbaijan to settle in a high category.

Sector chief ofDivision ofApparatus of the Cabinet of Ministerson Problems of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons, Migration and Work with International Organizations, Hidayat Huseynovs aid that migration processes assume importance for its actuality and scope. Stating that Azerbaijan is one of the countries suffering from migration processes H.Huseynov mentioned that our republic has acceded to all conventions on protection of human rights and freedoms. More than 20 laws which were harmonized to the requirements of these conventions, as well as Migration Code have been adopted. National Action Plan to combat trafficking in human beings  was drafted together with OSCE and International Organization for Migration and approved by the President of Azerbaijan in 2004. Identification of illegal migrants and implementation of relevant measuresby Ministry of Internal Affairs and State Migration Service together with appropriate state authorities have beenrealizedin accordance with the law.

Head of Ombudsman Apparatus Aydin Safikhanli stated that advanced legal base related with the protection of migrants` rights in Azerbaijan has been developed and important documents have been adopted. He mentioned that protection of migrants’ rights is at the center of attention of Ombudsman.

Later on, migrants from Afghanistan and Iraq expressed their gratitude to Azerbaijan government for attention and care.

Migrant families were presented refugee cards and gifts.

Representatives of relevant state authorities, diplomatic corps accredited in Baku, NGOs participated in the event.

At the end film on activities of State Migration Service was demonstrated.

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