Event dedicated to promotion of Migration Code was held in Shirvan

A Plan was approved by Chief of the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan, III rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev for the purpose of raising public awareness and enlightening foreigners and stateless persons on adoption of Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan and innovations applied in migration field. According to the Plan, events on public awareness in migration field are held jointly by Regional Migration Departments of the State Migration Service and district and city executive authorities.

The first event of these series took place in Shirvan city on August 15, 2013. Employees of the Headquarters and Regional Migration Department of the State Migration Service, authorized representatives of Executive Authority of Shirvan city, as well as Heads of a number of institutions and organizations, entrepreneurs participated in the event.

Deputy chief of Shirvan Regional Migration Department of the State Migration Service Feyruz Hasanov gave broad information on innovations applied in Migration Code to the participants. It was noted that besides new norms, provisions of different normative legal acts regulated migration field up to now were collected in the Code. Registration upon place of stay of foreigners and stateless persons, grounds and periods of their residence in the territory of the country, as well as application of envisaged norms were facilitated, definitions of close relation and other notions were given, provisions on new categories of visas, migration record and other issues are reflected by the Code. It was noted that collection of norms regulating relations in migration sphere in one document will facilitate awareness on rights and duties and getting information on migration by the participants of migration process.

Public awareness events on innovations applied in the migration sphere is being continued by the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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