Report conference on the results of 2012 and duties standing ahead was held at the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan

On December 26, 2012 report conference on the results of 2012 and duties standing ahead was held at the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Chief of the State Migration Service, III rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev making a speech with report noted that with the guidance of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev high achievements attained in all the spheres of the republic, opening of new work places, renovation of infrastructure, broadening of construction and development work increased foreigners’ interest in our country and intensified external migration processes. Acceleration of globalization processes in world economy had an impact on the Republic of Azerbaijan as well.  To this end President Ilham Aliyev set significant tasks before the State Migration Service towards strengthening control in the sphere of migration processes management, preventing illegal migration, analysis and regulation of migration processes and establishment of strict control mechanism in this area.

During the reported period  for the purpose of regulating migration processes, preventing illegal migration, creating condition for migrants to enjoy their rights by defending national security and national interests the State Migration Service has executed duties in this sphere advancing from requirements of the existing legislation of Azerbaijan Republic, as well as efficient and expedient activity direction according to measures intended in the “Perspective action Plan for 2012” has been assumed as a basis in its annual activity. Relevant activities have been implemented towards improving national legislation in migration sphere and adapting it to the requirements of modern age, final draft of “Migration Code” prepared by the State Migration Service taking into consideration international practice, as well as European Union's legislation for the purpose of forming unified legislative base in this sphere was submitted to the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

During the current year taking into account protection of national security and interests, as well as socio-economic development of the Republic of Azerbaijan a number of measures have been taken towards regulation of migration processes according to requirements of modern period, implementation of complex measures in the field of combating illegal migration, efficient use of labour resources, setting up conditions for accelerating foreigners’ adaptation to existing socio-economic conditions, establishing mutual relations with state agencies participating in migration processes management, adaptation of migration rules of the country to international standards, expansion of relations in international cooperation sphere and conduct of experience exchange with relevant agencies of foreign countries, improvement of staff preparation policy, recruitment of new personnel for central office and regional departments, increasing professionalism of employees, development of the Service structure and consolidation of material and technical basis, strengthening control over activity of Regional Migration Departments and establishment of regional departments in North-West region.

Notifying that during the reported period efforts were increased on improvement of the country legislation in migration sphere and 30 new juridical acts were adopted Service chief F. Nabiyev  spoke about importance of signed Decrees and Orders, adopted Laws on “Raising monthly salaries of employees with special ranks and public workers who are not civil servants of the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, functioning of the State Migration Service of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic as part of the system of the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan, paying additional salaries to the employees of migration bodies for continuous service years in the same amount which is paid to police employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for continuous service years, establishment of Administration-Supervision Head Department for the purpose of carrying out internal control within the Service, as well as establishment of Citizenship Issues and Public Relations Departments as independent structural divisions in order to expand activity of several departments operating within other structural divisions before, setting up junior special ranks and positions in migration bodies along with positions considered for high, senior and middle ranks, approval of “Rules of calculating continuous service years and additional salaries given to them related to it”, creation of medals of the Republic of Azerbaijan for “Distinguished service in migration bodies”, for “Effective cooperation with migration bodies” and for “Impeccable service in migration bodies” in order to reward employees of migration bodies for special services.

Mentioning that the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan completed 2012 with positive results Service chief F. Nabiyev stated that necessary measures were taken within complex monitoring against illegal migration during the current year. As a result of conducted inspections 17.671 foreigners or stateless persons who violated requirements of migration rules were revealed, residence of 3.246 of them was legalized, decisions were made about leaving the country in 48 hours on 12.476 persons, about being removed from the territory of the country on 1.623 foreigners, about lifting restrictions from 235 persons and about losing cards on 91 persons. Administrative violations were revealed in 297 out of 583 business entities in which inspections were carried out.

Service chief notified that Monitoring group was established within the Service for the purpose of revealing illegal migrants and making them to abide the legislation and control mechanism over entry and exit in the territory of the country was fully provided. Data on 108.751 foreigners were analyzed, illegal residence of 15.344 of them was revealed. At present necessary measures are continued in this direction.

According to relevant Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on ensuring functioning of State Agency on Public Service and Social Innovations under Presidential Administration necessary measures were taken and employees were appointed on defined activities for State Migration Service in “ASAN service” centers.         

During 2012 activity of the State Migration Service in the sphere of international cooperation has been extended, bilateral and multilateral relations have been developed, a number of important steps have been taken in the spheres of implementing and applying experience exchange in migration field, regulating migration processes and preventing illegal migration. Several meetings have been held with representatives of the United States of America, the Kingdom of Netherlands, the Russian Federation, Turkey, Germany, Romania, Pakistan, Italy, Indonesia, Korea, Uzbekistan and Latvia and mutual visits have been arranged. Furthermore cooperation with United Nations Organization, European Union, OSCE and other international organizations has been developed.

Attention was increased to transparency in issues on recruitment to migration bodies, 157 persons were appointed to relevant positions including those who successfully passed the examinations organized together by the State Migration Service and the State Student Admission Commission. During 2012 seminars were held by senior officials of the Service and training courses were organized in order to study international practice in migration field, to increase migration processes management and personnel training, to improve professional development, theoretical and practical knowledge and abilities of employees, as well as to ensure professional training of the employees newly recruited to the Service.

Complex measures for the purpose of increasing public awareness in migration field, enlightenment events regarding legal status of foreigners and stateless persons, requirements of legislation in migration sphere were held in 9 regions of the republic, information boards in Azerbaijani, Russian and English was arranged in border check-points, press releases were prepared, films and video clips were produced.        

At the end of his report F. Nabiyev emphasized that the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan which is at present successfully functioning towards development of migration managements system, enhancement of efficiency of migration processes, regulation by the state and improvements of effective unified migration control system is determined to contribute to state security, protection of internal labour market and economic development by precise, impartial, professional and timely implementation of duties and tasks defined for 2013.

At the end of the report conference Honorary Diplomas and rewards were conferred to a number of employees distinguished in service. 

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