An event on the occasion of 92nd anniversary of prominent scientist-ophthalmologist, academician Mrs. Zarifa Aliyeva was held at the State Migration Service  

At first participants of the event viewed the exhibition dealing with life and activity of prominent scientist-ophthalmologist, academician Mrs. Zarifa Aliyeva.

Later deputy chief of State Migration Service Elman Aliyev spoke about rich and meaningful life of  Mrs. Zarifa Aliyeva, who devoted her life to the development of ophthalmology in Azerbaijan, her pedagogical and doctoring activity, her contribution to medicine and  her high humane qualities.

Speeches dealing with life and activity of Mrs. Zarifa Aliyeva were listened at the event. Broad information was given about monumental research worksof the prominent scientist on actual problems of ophthalmology, who made important contributions to the development of medicine in our Republic. Speakers emphasized the fact that, Mrs. Zarifa Aliyeva whostrongly influenced the growth of new generation of doctors with her scientific-pedagogical and social activity,was not only prominent scientist, pedagogue, but also the real Azerbaijani woman who deeply loved her nation and Motherland.

It was noted that, Mrs. Zarifa Aliyeva who devoted all her life to giving light to eyes of people will always beremembered by our appreciative nationwith her high inner culture, tender heart and devotion to science.

Participants watched the film about life and activity of prominent scientist Mrs. Zarifa Aliyeva. Later a group of women employees of the State Migration Service visited the grave of Mrs. Zarifa Aliyeva in Honorary Avenue, esteemed her blessed memory, laid wreath in front of her monument and placed fresh flowers on her grave.


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