Solemn ceremony was held on the occasion of the 5th establishment anniversary of the State Migration Service and professional holiday of migration bodies’ employees of Azerbaijan Republic

On March 19, 2012 solemn ceremony was held at the State Migration Service on the occasion of the 5th establishment anniversary of the entity and professional holiday of migration bodies’ employees of Azerbaijan Republic.

At first participants of the ceremony coming to the Honorary Alley revered with respect the memory of Great Leader, architect and founder of modern Azerbaijan - Heydar Aliyev.

The memory of prominent ophthalmologist scientist, academic Zarifa Aliyeva was also revered, flowers were placed on her grave.

Service employees also revered unforgettable memory of our heroic sons and daughters who sacrificed their lives for the independence of our Motherland and put fresh carnations on their graves.

At first Service chief, III rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev congratulated employees of migration bodies on the occasion of the 5th establishment anniversary of State Migration Service, as well as professional holiday at the event dedicated to the 5th anniversary of State Migration Service and professional holiday. He stated that one of the key factors of globalization processes accelerating and expanding throughout the world in recent years is migration phenomenon. Nation-wide Leader Heydar Aliyev explaining this process with his wisdom and foresight said: “Migration is natural process, it is impossible to prevent these processes, it doesn’t need prevention and generally has positive character.  Migration processes in the world concern all countries and nations”. Ensuring rapid socio-economic development in Azerbaijan, expansion of international communications in energy-transportation fields, at the same time geopolitical position of our country has resulted in intensification of migration processes even more in globalization context. At the same time, as a result of the visa-free regime with several states, number of foreigners passing or coming for short stay, intending to go to a third country, or trying to reside in the country without having legal bases has increased. All these have turned implementation of migration policy proper to national interests from development and security point of view, improvement and development of regulation of migration processes, coordination of state agencies’ activity, thus international cooperation to an objective necessity. Taking into account all of these realities President Ilham Aliyev has provided implementation of complex measures in the direction of regulating migration processes with unified state policy during the last years.

Service chief stated that for the purpose of management and regulation of migration processes several strict steps have been taken both in the legislation and in its application, substantial measures have been assumed. Thus in 2004 “State Migration Management Policy Conception of the Republic of Azerbaijan” defining key objectives before government agencies was adopted. For the purpose of realizing this conception and achieving goals set forward, Order of the President of Azerbaijan Republic on “Approval of the State Migration Program of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2006-2008)” was signed on July 25, 2006. Development of migration management system, regulation and forecast of migration processes, improvement of the legislation in this sphere in compliance with the international norms and modern age requirements, ensuring efficiency of law application, creation of unified database, modern automated control system in migration area, prevention of illegal migration, implementation of social protection measures related with migrants and other important issues were considered in the State Program reflecting system of complex measures.

Establishment of special state body implementing unified state policy in migration sphere upon the State Program has emerged as an objective necessity. Taking this necessity into account President Ilham Aliyev signed Decree № 560 on establishment of the State Migration Service on March 19, 2007.

President of the Republic Ilham Aliyev signed Decree on “Application of “single window” principle in the management of migration processes” on March 4, 2009, for the purpose of accelerating social integration of migrants coming to Azerbaijan Republic, facilitating rules of granting relevant permissions to foreigners and stateless persons to live in the territory of the country on legal bases and to carry out labor activity and their registration upon place of residence, providing transparency in this sphere and developing migration management system. With the application of “single window” principle, migration management mechanism has been improved.

Since the beginning of its operation State Migration Service strives for improvement of legislation in compliance with requirements of international norms and modern period, elimination of shortcomings and abuses that may occur, negative impacts of unregulated migration processes, strengthening efficient preventive measures against illegal migration. During the past period State Migration Service through defending national security and national interests has implemented duties arising from the requirements of the country’s existing legislation in this sphere and was guided with purposeful activity in order to prevent illegal migration, to create facilities for migrants to enjoy their rights. Final draft of “Migration Code” prepared by the State Migration Service taking into consideration international practice, as well as European Union's legislation, for the purpose of improving national legislation and forming unified legislative base in migration sphere, defending rights of citizens living beyond the borders of Azerbaijan Republic was submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers.

During the past period international cooperation has been expanded, bilateral and multilateral relations have been developed, a number of important steps have been taken towards intensification of interstate negotiations, conducting and application of experience exchange in migration sphere, discussing cooperation perspectives in preventing illegal migration. Thus cooperation with organizations such as United Nations Organizations, United Nations High Commission for Refugees, International Organization for Migration, European Union, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Commonwealth of Independent States has been developed, a number of meetings with relevant entities of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Kingdoms of Netherlands and Belgium, the Republic of Turkey, the Republic of Latvia, the Russian Federation and the State of Qatar, mutual visits have been organized.

For the purpose of operative solution of problems emerging in regions and the capital, activity of Regional Migration Department in Baku, Yevlakh, Lankaran, Shirvan, Khachmaz and migration division of Baku Regional Migration Department in border check points has been completely provided and has been partly completed with employees. Construction of Detention Centers for Illegal Migrants in Yevlakh and Baku cities has been completed and they are intended to be opened in upcoming days. Construction of the administrative building of Aghsu Regional Migration Department is being continued.

During 5 years of its activity a number of important steps have been taken towards application of information technologies in organization of Service activity. Thus, according to action plan prepared for execution of relevant items of the Regulation on “Unified Migration Information System of the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan” approved with June 4, 2010 dated Decree of the President of Azerbaijan Republic data exchange between Unified Migration Information System (UMIS) and “Entry-Exit and Registration” Interagency Automated Data Search System has been improved. Besides, software for internal “electronic document circulation formation” within “The Action Program on “E-government” creation in 2010-2011 in the Republic of Azerbaijan” approved with the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan Republic dated on May 14, 2010 has been prepared and presented for testing. In the report period special e-service section has been created on official webpage for rendering “E-service” by the State Migration Service according to the Decree of the President of Azerbaijan Republic dated on May 24, 2011 on “Several measures in organizing State agencies’ e-service rendering” and rendering electronic services by the State Migration Service was started from September 1, 2011.

Work places of Unified Migration Information System of the State Migration Service of Azerbaijan Republic have been established in the sections located in the border crossing points of State Migration Service of Nakchivan Autonomous Republic and its activity has been connected with the central base.

During the past 5 years more than 180 thousand applications related with issues of extending temporary staying period of foreigners and stateless persons, granting permission for temporary residence, admission, revocation, restoration of citizenship, as well as determining citizenship and refugee status, as well as granting work permits to carry out paid labor activity and extension of the relevant work permits and each application was investigated according to requirements of the country legislation and relevant decisions were taken by individual approach towards each application.

During the past 5 years preventive measures against illegal migration have been intensified, cases on illegal residence and violation of labor activity rules were revealed and eliminated. Therefore during the past period as a result of measures assumed by the employees of the State Migration Service of Azerbaijan Republic 28 thousand cases on infringement of administrative legislative requirements by foreigners were revealed. 6.738 of them were fined and their residences in the country were legalized, about 22.231 foreigner decision on expulsion from the country was taken.

During the past State Migration Service has taken several urgent measures in the direction of qualitative execution of instructions and tasks those set forward. Therefore, change has been made in the structure of the Service, Head Department of regulation of migration processes has been established, extending   attention to this direction strict control mechanisms created. On the background of these issues relevant amendments made to decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan Republic on “Approval of rules for granting work permit and sample of such permit” for foreigners to carry out paid labor activity in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, to “Rules of determining labor migration quote”. As well as, relevant decrees have been signed by the President on making addendums and amendments to regulations on “The State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, on “Unified migration information system of “the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, to the law of Azerbaijan Republic on “Labor migration”, decree № 69 of the President of Republic on “Application of “single window” principle in management of migration processes”, to Administrative Offences Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Besides these, along the year relevant amendments made to “Regulation on service in migration bodies”, to the law of Azerbaijan Republic on “Exit from, entry to the country and passports”, to “Rules of reviewing petition on granting “Refugee” status”.

During the last 5 years always approaching with attention and care to the activity of migration bodies head of state gave several orders for the purpose of improving social provision of migration bodies’ employees. Thus since July of last year 25 percent of allocations collected from fines applied upon Administrative Offences Code of Azerbaijan Republic by migration bodies for violation of legislation in migration sphere have been added to the salary of employees. Thoughts of President about the service, historical events that we witnessed, gained achievements, actually make every employee honored and proud.

It should be stressed that employees of the State Migration Service will highly prove trust shown by the head of state to migration bodies, as well as holding requirements of legislation as a priority they will do their best to fulfill perfectly, timely and with quality tasks set in front of the Service. 

16 March, 2012 dated Order of the President of Azerbaijan Republic, Ilham Aliyev on awarding a group of employees of migration bodies with the medal “For Distinction in public service” was announced at the event.

Application by the ceremony participants addressed to the President of Azerbaijan Republic, Ilham Aliyev was adopted at the end of the event.

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