Short-term advanced training course on “State Regulation of Migration Processes” finished

On April 16-27, 2012 short-term advanced course on “State Regulation of Migration Processes” was organized at the faculty of “Raising the level of managerial personnel’s skill” of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Systematization of knowledge related with actual problems of reforms carried out in this sphere in Azerbaijan Republic, constitutional-legal bases of migration bodies’ activity, study and application of international practice, international human rights conception and other issues, as well as conveying new information to listeners were the key purpose of the above mentioned course program which served to delivery, explanation and interpretation of the state policy pursued in migration sphere to senior officials of law-enforcement bodies.

According to the thematic scheme courses covered modern foreign policy of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan statehood and reforms conducted in migration sphere, visa regime of Azerbaijan with other countries, human growth factor in regulation of migration processes, rules of issuing ordinary passports to citizens by Internal Affairs Bodies and other issues.

Thus lectures were delivered: professor Ali Hasanov, head of public and political issues division of Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan – “Modern foreign policy of Azerbaijan”, academician Urkhan Alakbarov, rector of Public Administration Academy under President of Azerbaijan Republic – “Human growth factor in regulation of migration processes”, Ombudsman of Azerbaijan Republic on Human Rights, Elmira Suleymanova – “Ombudsman – protector of human rights”, Deputy chief of the State Migration Service, III rank state migration service counselor Parviz Musayev – “Key directions of modern migration policy of Azerbaijan ”, another Deputy chief of the State Migration Service, III rank state migration service counselor Elman Aliyev – “Illegal migration and ways of its solution”, Deputy chair of the State Committee for Family, Women and Child issues Sadagat Gahramanova – “UN Convention for the Rights of the Child and gender discrimination”, Head of the administration of the State Committee on Refugees and IDP’s of Azerbaijan Republic Telman Mammadov – “Measures taken in the field of social problems of refugees and IDP’s”, Chief of the Legislation on State Establishment Division of the Administration of Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan Republic Latif Huseynov – “International Human Rights conception and its reflection in the legislation of Azerbaijan Republic”, etc.

Certificates were presented to the listeners at the end of the course.

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