Report conference on the results of  2011 and duties standing ahead was held at the State Migration Service of Azerbaijan Republic

On February 2, 2012 report conference on the results of  2011 and duties standing ahead was held at the State Migration Service of Azerbaijan Republic.

Chief of the State Migration Service, II rank state migration service counselor Arzu Rahimov making a speech with report noted that during the last year for the purpose of regulating migration processes, preventing illegal migration, creating condition for migrants to enjoy their rights by defending national security and national interests the State Migration Service has executed duties in this sphere advancing from requirements of the existing legislation of Azerbaijan Republic, as well as efficient and expedient activity direction according to measures intended in the “Perspective action Plan for 2011” has been assumed as a basis in its annual activity. Relevant activities have been implemented towards improving national legislation in migration sphere and adapting it to the requirements of modern age, final drafts of “Migration Code” and “Readmission Strategy of the Republic of Azerbaijan” prepared by the State Migration Service for the purpose of forming unified legislative base in this sphere and defending rights of citizens living beyond the borders of Azerbaijan Republic, taking into consideration international practice, as well as European Union's legislation were submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers.

During the last year international cooperation in the sphere of migration has been extended, bilateral and multilateral relations have been developed, a number of important steps towards discussion of cooperation perspectives have been taken in the sphere of strengthening dialogue between countries, implementing and applying practice exchange in migration field, regulating migration processes, preventing illegal migration. Cooperation with organizations such as UNO, UNHCR, IOM, EU, OSCE, CIS has been developed, a number of meetings with relevant entities of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Kingdoms of Netherlands and Belgium, the Republic of Turkey, the Republic of Latvia, the Russian Federation and the State of Qatar, mutual visits have been organized.

During the report period activity of Regional Migration Departments in Baku, Yevlakh, Lankaran, Shirvan, Khachmaz and migration division of Baku Regional Migration Department in border crossing points has been completely provided, construction of Detention Centers for Illegal Migrants in Yevlakh and Baku cities has been completed and they are intended to be opened in upcoming days.

During 2011 a number of important steps have been taken towards application of information technologies in organization of Service activity. Thus, according to action plan prepared for execution of relevant items of the Regulation on “Unified Migration Information System of the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan” approved with June 4, 2010 dated Decree No. 276 of the President of Azerbaijan Republic activities have been continued for improving data exchange between Unified Migration Information System (UMIS) and “Entry-Exit and Registration” Interagency Automated Data Search System, as well as activities in the sphere of integration provision have been completed between Automated Tax Information System of Ministry of Taxes, State Register of People of the Ministry of Justice and Unified Migration Information System. As well as work places of Unified Migration Information System of the State Migration Service of Azerbaijan Republic have been established in the sections located in the border crossing points of State Migration Service of Nakchivan Autonomous Republic and its activity has been connected with the central base.

Besides, software for internal “electronic document circulation organization” within “The Action Program on “E-government” formation in 2010-2011 in the Republic of Azerbaijan” approved with the Order № 136s of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan Republic dated on May 14, 2010 has been prepared and presented for testing. In report period special e-service section has been created on official webpage for rendering “E-service” by the State Migration Service according to the Decree of the President of Azerbaijan Republic dated on May 24, 2011 on “Several measures in organizing State agencies’ e-service rendering” and rendering electronic services by the State Migration Service was started from September 1, 2011.

Service chief A.Rahimov underlined that foreigners’ and stateless persons’ 41.801 applications related with the extension of temporary staying period in the country, granting temporary and permanent residence permission, as well as related with changing permanent registration cards, 12.450 applications related with granting work permits for engagement in paid labor activity and issues of extending validity period of existing work permits, 307 applications related with adoption, restoration and revoking citizenship of Azerbaijan Republic, 6.740 documents related with determining belonging to citizenship of Azerbaijan Republic, 41 applications related with the issues of determining refugee status were received by the State Migration Service in 2011. Received applications were investigated in compliance with the requirements of Azerbaijan Republic’s legislation and relevant decisions were taken by individual approach towards each application.

In 2011 measures on fight against illegal migration have been strengthened; infringement cases on rules of staying in the territory of Azerbaijan Republic thus temporary and permanent residence of foreigners and stateless persons have been revealed and prevented. Thus, as a result of taken measures cases concerning infringement of administrative legislation’s requirements by 12.530 foreigners have been revealed. Residence of 2.338 foreigners in the territory of the country have been legalized for having bases, decisions on 8.058 foreigners on leaving the country within 48 hours as stipulated in provisions of the Administrative Offences Code of Azerbaijan Republic, decisions on 2.004 foreigners’ expulsion out of the country in administrative order and 130 decisions related with other cases (eliminating limitations on entry to the country, losing permission cards for temporary and permanent residence, fining entrepreneurs committed administrative violations, etc.) have been taken.

At the end Service chief stated that within the current year the State Migration Service of Azerbaijan Republic must mobilize all their power and ability for perfect, timely and efficient implementation of tasks put before the Service by guidance of the Decrees and Orders of The President of Azerbaijan Republic, the Orders and Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as requirements of the existing legislation.

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