8 years pass from the establishment of State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan on March 19

On this occasion Service management and a group of employees of migration bodies visited the grave of National Leader Heydar Aliyev in the Honorary Alley and revered his beloved memory with esteem. Fresh bunch of flowers were placed on the grave of prominent ophthalmologist-scientist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva, as well.

Later on unforgettable memories ofMotherland`s sons perished for independence and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan were commemorated in the Martyr`s Avenue, a wreath was laid in front of the “Eternal Torch”.

Later on solemn ceremony dedicated to the establishment of State Migration Service, professional holiday of migration bodies` employees and Holiday of Novruz reflecting our national existence, ancient traditions and the richness of our ancestor’s morality with all its tenderness was held.

At first national Anthem was played in the ceremony. 

Later on the Chief of State Migration Service, II rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev made a report on the service path passed by State Migration Service within 8 years and noted that as in other spheres,for the purpose of management and regulation of migration processes several strict steps have been taken both in legislation and its application and substantial measures have been assumed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Commander- in- Chief of the armed forces Mr. Ilham Aliyev who successfully continues farsighted policy of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev. Thus, in 2004 “State Migration Management Policy Conception” defining key objectives for government agencies was adopted. For the purpose of realizingthis Conception and achieving goals set forward State Migration Program of the Republic of Azerbaijan was approved on July 25, 2006 .The establishment of a special state body implementing unified state policy in the sphere of migration upon the State Program has emerged as an objective necessity.  

The number of migrants coming to Azerbaijan is increasing year by year, as great improvement and economic growth is observed in our Republic and this makes our country attractive for migrants. The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr.Ilham Aliyev signed a decree dated from March 19, 2007 on the establishment of State Migration Service, taking into consideration this necessity. The Chief of the Service reminded that with the Order of the President of the Republic of  Azerbaijan dated from March 17, 2010, 19th of March is announced as professional holiday of State Migration Service employees .

Drawing attention to the progress made by SMS, II rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev noted the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev dated from June 30, 2014 on the construction of new administrative building of the Service as one of the important events memorable in the history of SMS. He mentioned that this attention and care of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan results in rise patriotism and decisiveness of  SMS employees.

Emphasizing  with satisfaction the transformation of SMS into mobile entity possessing high professionalism and  moral-psychological preparation Chief of the Service appreciated this as the manifestation of constant special attention and care of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Commander- in -Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev.

It was mentioned with gratitude that  the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan was not indifferent to devoted service of SMS employees to state and statehood and their self-sacrifice and a number of employees were awarded.

It`s an obvious manifestation of this supreme attention and care which requires from each employee fulfillment of their duties with great responsibility, exemplary provision of security, human and civil rights and freedoms that, related to the following anniversary of the establishment of State Migration Service ,high special rank - “II rank state migration service counselor” was conferred on 1 employee, 1employee was awarded withIII rank order “For Service to Motherland”, and 11 employees with the medal “For distinction  in service at migration bodies”.

Chief of the Service noted that, advanced international practice is studied and applied today in regulation and management of migration processes, works are continued in the direction of improvement of legislation in the sphere of migration taking into consideration current requirements, trainings and seminars are held on improvement of skills of the staff and infrastructure of the Service is expanded with supply modern technical equipments .

II rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev mentioned that, the Service complies with international standards and as one of the factors of this, large works are carried out in the sphere of strengthening logistics of the Service, administrative buildings are constructed for the majority of regional migration departments and high service conditions are established. He noted that, State Migration Service employees respond this supreme attention and care of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan with their professional service. 

F.Nabiyev emphasized that staff of State Migration Service is devoted to ideas of National Leader Heydar Aliyev who played an exceptional role in provision of our current prosperous life,always stand on guard of our national interests vigilantly and they are one of themain powers in protection of our national and economic security. 

The Chief of the Service expressed with assurance that State Migration Service  employees will mobilize all their energy and effort to fulfill their mission properly during the 1st European games which will be held in our country in summer of this year.   

Later, on the occasion of establishment of State Migration Service and professional holiday, orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev and of the Chief of Service were announced. 53 employees distinguished in service were awarded with thecertificate of merit, 7 with the medal “For perfect service at migration bodies” andpre-term, consecutive and out-of-turn special ranks were conferred on 42 employees.

At the end of the solemn ceremony the participants watched the film about activity of State Migration Service.


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