
Foreigners brought to the country deceived by promises of engaging in labor activity in Azerbaijan detained

Within the joint operations conducted against illegal migration by the State Migration Service and the State Security Service in Baku, 31 foreign nationals overstayed their visasat various addresses have been detained.

It was identified that these individuals were arranged to enter the territory of Azerbaijan through the tourism companies abroad under the pretense of engaging in labor activities in return for 2500 USD.

The organizers placed the foreigners in various addresses in Baku, created conditions for them to become irregular migrants in the country by preventing them from leaving their appartments.

Materials related to the detected cases were sent to the relevant law enforcement body for legal assessment.

In general, , 873 foreignerswere detained within the measures taken against illegal migration by the State Migration Service during September 2023.

It wes identified that they were residing  without documents granting them the right to stay and reside in the country, engaging in activities incosistent with the declared purpose of entry into the country, being involved in illegal labor activities, or not residing at the registered address.

During this period, 312 foreigners violating migration legislation were administratively expelled from the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan and their entry into the country was restricted for a legally defined period, while others were provided with the opportunity to legalize their residence in the country or to voluntarily leave the country.

Additionally, a total of 2221 administrative decisions were made regarding issues related to staying, , residing in the country , employment of foreigners, and other relevant matters.

Citizens are kindly requested to inform (012) "919" Call Center of the State Migration Service if they encounter cases of illegal migration. The Call Center operates 24 hours, 7 days a week.

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