
Trainings continue as part of the Migration School - 5 project

The State Migration Service implements a number of projects in the direction of increasing the knowledge of young people on migration, awakening interest in this area, and raising awareness about public administration. One of those projects is the Migration School. 32 trainings is planned to be held for participants on various areas of migration within the project, which has been launched since January 7, 2023 and will last 6 months.

In the first weeks of training, the topics on "International migration law", "Rules of stay and residence of foreigners in Azerbaijan", "Migration statistics: data sources and rules of use", "Information on migration: basic concepts and terms, global migration trends” were reviewed.

The following trainings were dedicated to the topics on “Migration legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, “Regulation of the labor activity of foreigners” and “Irregular migration and the fight against it”.

The trainings covered the principles of migration legislation, the basic concepts, rights and obligations of actors of migration processes, registration and temporary stay of foreigners in our country, issuance of permits for temporary and permanent residence, labor migration, as well as measures taken in the field of state regulation of migration processes and elimination of cases of irregular migration.

It should be noted that at the end of the project, participants who successfully completed the training will be awarded certificates.

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