
June 20 is World Refugee Day

Today, the World Refugee Day is celebrated across the globe. In this regard, Representation of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Azerbaijan organized an event. Attention was drawn to the steps taken in the direction of solving the problems of refugees, creating favorable conditions for them and protecting their rights.

Guido Ambrosso, Head of the UNHCR Representation in Azerbaijan, Vusal Huseynov, Chief of the SMS, Sabina Aliyeva, Human Rights Commissioner (Ombudsman) and Fuad Huseynov, Deputy chairman of the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs Affairs participated in the event.

Speaking at the event Chief of the State Migration Service, II rank State Migration Service counselor Vusal Huseynov said that the necessary measures are taken to ensure the rights and freedoms of such people in Azerbaijan at the high level. Chief of the service noted that Azerbaijan, as one of the first states to join the "Global Compact on Refugees", attaches special importance to the establishment of an effective dialogue between people, countries and societies.

As a state which is familiar with the issue of refugees and internally displaced persons, Azerbaijan consistently puts strenghtening of solidarity in the protection of the rights of people who fall under this category in the center of attention. V. Huseynov mentioned with satisfaction that as a result of joint efforts of partner institutions, these vulnerable persons were provided with the necessary support during the pandemic, as well as other voluntary groups were involved in this activity, along with the Migration volunteers.

In the end, the exhibition of photos taken by Ahmad Javed Akbarzada, an Afghan refugee photographer living in Azerbaijan, was viewed.

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